我想在水龙头上添加一个 CC3Node。但是,我使用的代码产生了一个奇怪的东西。我的对象被放置在触摸位置,但在第三象限(这样我的屏幕将被分成 4)
总结一下,当我点击白色方块的中心时,我得到了 hello world 放在象限的中心等。当我点击右上角时,我得到了重叠的紫色 hello world白色方块。
CGSize winSz = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSizeInPixels];
GLfloat aspect = winSz.width / winSz.height;
// Express touchPoint X & Y as fractions of the window size
GLfloat xtp = ((2.0 * touchPoint.x) / winSz.width) - 1;
GLfloat ytp = ((2.0 * touchPoint.y) / winSz.height) - 1;
// Get the tangent of half of the camera's field of view angle
GLfloat effectiveFOV = ((ViewInterface*)[ViewInterface sharedViewInterface]).currentScene.activeCamera.fieldOfView / ((ViewInterface*)[ViewInterface sharedViewInterface]).currentScene.uniformScale;
GLfloat halfFOV = effectiveFOV / 2.0;
GLfloat tanHalfFOV = tanf(DegreesToRadians(halfFOV));
// Get the distance from the camera to the projection plane
GLfloat zCam = ((ViewInterface*)[ViewInterface sharedViewInterface]).currentScene.activeCamera.globalLocation.z;
// Calc the X & Y coordinates on the Z = 0 plane using trig and similar triangles
CC3Vector tp3D = cc3v(tanHalfFOV * xtp * aspect * zCam,
tanHalfFOV * ytp * zCam,
tp3D 是我使用 .location 属性在节点中设置的最终坐标。
-(void) handleTapSelection: (UITapGestureRecognizer*) gesture {
if ( [self cc3ValidateGesture: gesture] && (gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) ) {
CGPoint touchPoint = [self cc3ConvertUIPointToNodeSpace: gesture.location];
[[StateInterface sharedStateInterface] tapDetected:gesture inView:nil locationInView:touchPoint];
//[self.mashUpScene pickNodeFromTapAt: touchPoint];
此外,tp3D x 和 y 总是负数,这很奇怪......代码来自这里: http: //www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/14790