If you need to Setup a return value, as well as Verify how many times the expression was called, can you do this in one statement?

From what I can gather, Moq's Setup(SomeExpression).Verifiable() called along with Verify(), basically does a Verify(SomeExpression, Times.AtLeastOnce)? i.e. it verifys the expression was called only.

Here's an example to explain the question better. For an interface:

interface IFoo
    int ReturnSomething();

Are the following two blocks equivalent (other than the first will Verify all setups marked as verifiable)?

void Test()
    var mock = new Mock<IFoo>();
    mock.Setup((m) => m.ReturnSomething()).Returns(1).Verifiable();



void Test()
    var mock = new Mock<IFoo>();
    mock.Setup((m) => m.ReturnSomething()).Returns(1);

    mock.Verify((m) => m.ReturnSomething(), Times.AtLeastOnce());

If I wanted to verify the number of calls (say twice), is this the only way, where the expression is repeated for the Setup and Verify?

void Test()
    var mock = new Mock<IFoo>();
    mock.Setup((m) => m.ReturnSomething()).Returns(1);

    mock.Verify((m) => m.ReturnSomething(), Times.Exactly(2));

I just don't like having to call Setup and Verify. Well, since this is a good idea for AAA, to rephrase, I don't like having to repeat the expression for the Setup and Verify. At the moment I store the expression in a variable and pass it to each method, but doesn't feel so clean.

PS - The context for this is for a test checking when a cache is updated or not (expirations etc.)


4 回答 4




Expression<Action<MockedType>> expression = mockedTypeInstance => mockedTypeInstance.MockedMethod(It.Is<TFirstArgument>(firstArgument => <some complex statement>)/*, ...*/);

/* run the test*/

_mock.Verify(expression, Times.Once);


于 2016-04-20T13:28:24.860 回答




mock.Setup(m => m.ReturnSomething()).Returns(1);


mock.Verify(m => m.ReturnSomething(), Times.AtLeastOnce());

就我个人而言,我更喜欢单独调用 verify 来确认调用者所需的行为,.Verifiable()and.Verify()是不太严格的快捷方式(他们只是检查方法被调用一次或多次)但是如果你知道你的代码应该只调用一次方法,把最后验证以确认它。


于 2013-03-12T12:28:17.863 回答

根据 Evren Kuzucuoglu 的回答,我创建了以下扩展方法以使创建表达式更简单:

/// <summary>
/// Creates a method call expression that can be passed to both <see cref="Setup"/> and <see cref="Verify"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Mocked object type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="mock">Mock of <see cref="T"/>.</param>
/// <param name="expression">Method call expression to record.</param>
/// <returns>Method call expression.</returns>
public static Expression<Action<T>> CallTo<T>(this Mock<T> mock, Expression<Action<T>> expression) where T : class
    return expression;

/// <summary>
/// Creates a method call expression that can be passed to both <see cref="Setup"/> and <see cref="Verify"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Mocked object type.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TResult">Method call return type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="mock">Mock of <see cref="T"/>.</param>
/// <param name="expression">Method call expression to record.</param>
/// <returns>Method call expression.</returns>
public static Expression<Func<T, TResult>> CallTo<T, TResult>(this Mock<T> mock, Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression) where T : class
    return expression;


var createMapperCall = mockMappingFactory.CallTo(x => x.CreateMapper());

mockMappingFactory.Verify(createMapperCall, Times.Once());
于 2018-05-22T20:40:49.660 回答


public class TestUtils
  private static List<Action> verifyActions = new List<Action>();

  public static void InitVerifyActions() => verifyActions = new List<Action>();

  public static void VerifyAllSetups()
    foreach (var action in verifyActions)

  public static ISetup<T> SetupAndVerify<T>(Mock<T> mock, Expression<Action<T>> expression, Times times) where T : class
    verifyActions.Add(() => mock.Verify(expression, times));
    return mock.Setup(expression);

  public static ISetup<T, TResult> SetupAndVerify<T, TResult>(Mock<T> mock, Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression, Times times) where T : class
    verifyActions.Add(() => mock.Verify(expression, times));
    return mock.Setup(expression);

然后在 TestInitialize() 中,我调用 TestUtils.InitVerifyActions(),在单元测试中:

TestUtils.SetupAndVerify(myMock, m => m.Foo("bar"), Times.Once()).Returns("baz");
TestUtils.SetupAndVerify(myOtherMock, m => m.Blah(), Times.Once());
于 2021-04-20T20:09:58.657 回答