好的,我有一个函数可以获取 vine 推文,然后通过 iFrame 显示视频。这很好用,唯一的问题是我不想一次全部列出,我只想显示一个,然后在完成后显示下一个。这可能很简单,但我一直在看代码很长时间,现在我想不通。请帮忙。

         function getTweets() {
                    var url='http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callback=?&q=givingvine';

                    //setup an array to buffer output
                    var output = [];

                    //a for loop will perform faster when setup like this
                    for (var i = 0, len = json.results.length; i < len; i++) {
                   //instead of appending each result, add each to the buffer array
                   output.push('<p>' + '<iframe class="video" src="' + json.results[i].text.substr(json.results[i].text.indexOf("http")) +'" frameborder="0" width="1080" height="800" style="margin:-155px -100px -130px -60px;"></iframe>' + '</p>');


                //now select the #results element only once and append all the output at once, then slide it into view
                  $.each(output, function (intIndex, objValue) {
                 //set an interval to run the getTweets function (30,000 ms is 5 minutes), you can cancel the interval by calling clearInterval(timer);
                 var timer = setInterval(getTweets, 10000);
                //run the getTweets function on document.ready


2 回答 2



我建议您将当前的“位置”存储在一个变量中,然后当用户执行您想要添加下一个的操作时,将其增加 1


  var output =[],currentKey =0;
  function getTweets() {
                var url='http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callback=?&q=vine';

                //setup an array to buffer output

                //a for loop will perform faster when setup like this
                for (var i = 0, len = json.results.length; i < len; i++) {
               //instead of appending each result, add each to the buffer array
               output.push('<p>' + '<iframe class="video" src="' + json.results[i].text.substr(json.results[i].text.indexOf("http")) +'" frameborder="0" width="1080" height="800" style="margin:-155px -100px -130px -60px;"></iframe>' + '</p>');


            //now select the #results element only once and append all the output at once, then slide it into view


          currentKey +=1;
          if(currentKey  < output.length){

The example above assumes you have some kind of button with an id=next that when clicked appends the next item to results e.g

  <button id="next">Next Video</button>

If you want to replace the current video then use

       //  instead of
于 2013-03-01T17:02:59.087 回答


Sounds like you would want something like this:

output.push('<p>' + '<iframe id="iframe' + i.toString() + '"  class="video" src="' + json.results[i].text.substr(json.results[i].text.indexOf("http")) +'" frameborder="0" width="1080" height="800" style="margin:-155px -100px -130px -60px;"></iframe>' + '</p>');


Then in here:

              $.each(output, function (intIndex, objValue) {
                //Some Timer code here;
                //Remove previous iframe, add a new iframe

You could also however change the forloop to populate output with the src and then in the foreach do something like this:

              $.each(output, function (intIndex, objValue) {
                $("#iframe").attr('src', objValue)
                //Some Timer code here;

If you want to display an iframe one at a time with your setup:

You may want to use the each() function:

$.each(output, function (intIndex, objValue) {

In place of the:

于 2013-03-01T17:07:13.057 回答