I know Silverlight 4 added support for RTL languages through the FlowDirection property.

Being new to RTL I just want to make sure I understand what should happen when I set the FlowDirection property. I noticed that the text alignment for the TextBoxes are now right aligned and the whole UI basically mirrors itself by switching everything that was on the left over to the right. So this all seems to be working fine. However, when entering text in a Textbox, surely the text should complete from right to left now as well. So I if enter the word 'run' in a TextBox with FlowDirection set to RTL, then surely it should read 'nur' and not 'run'? Is my understanding correct, but currently the TextBox still displays it as 'run' even thought it is right-aligned in the control itself.


1 回答 1


文本的 RTL-ness 将自动由 unicode 文本本身决定。因此,如果您将一些阿拉伯语文本放入 TextBox,无论是否设置了 FlowDirection,它都会处于正确的方向 (RTL)。FlowDirection 仅用于镜像 UI,而不是更改文本。显然,冒号也有一些巧妙的特殊处理。


于 2013-02-22T04:13:39.367 回答