I think should be something similar to below query. I do not see where are you using $categoryParentName .
Using your queries and data:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE itemStatus = '1' AND itemAdded > '$timestamp'
SELECT * FROM locations WHERE locationID = '$locationID'
SELECT * FROM categories WHERE categoryID = '$categoryID'
$locationName = $this->getLocationByName($locationID);
$categoryParentName = $this->getCategoryByName($categoryParentID);
$categoryName = $this->getCategoryByName($categoryID);
Please let me know if this returns expected result set. Hope this helps
it.itemID, it.itemLocationID, it.categoryParentID, it.categoryID, it.itemName, it.itemDetails,
l.locationID, l.locationName, l.locationLink,
c.categoryID, c.categoryName, c.categoryLink
FROM items it
LEFT JOIN locations l ON l.locationID = it.itemLocationID
LEFT JOIN categories c ON c.categoryID = it.categoryID
it.itemStatus = '1'
AND it.itemAdded > '$timestamp'
Update query using categoryParentID - i am not saying is efficient but you can test and optimize as needed.
One option is to update above query - not sure that will work - and for large result sets using OR is not efficient:
LEFT JOIN categories c ON (c.categoryID = it.categoryID OR c.categoryID = it.categoryParentID)
The other option that i see is to get 2 result sets (see below) - one for categId = categId and second for categId = categParentId and combine the result set in one big result set.
t.itemID, t.itemLocationID, t.categoryParentID, t.categoryID, t.itemName, t.itemDetails,
l.locationID, l.locationName, l.locationLink,
t.categoryID, t.categoryName, t.categoryLink
it.itemID, it.itemLocationID, it.categoryParentID, it.categoryID, it.itemName, it.itemDetails,
c.categoryID, c.categoryName, c.categoryLink
FROM items it
INNER JOIN categories c ON c.categoryID = it.categoryID
it.itemStatus = '1'
AND it.itemAdded > '$timestamp'
it.itemID, it.itemLocationID, it.categoryParentID, it.categoryID, it.itemName, it.itemDetails,
c.categoryID, c.categoryName, c.categoryLink
FROM items it
INNER JOIN categories c ON c.categoryID = it.categoryParentID
it.itemStatus = '1' AND
it.itemAdded > '$timestamp'
) AS t
LEFT JOIN locations l ON l.locationID = t.itemLocationID
Other idea - not tested and assuming that id are int - will have to cast as string / char. There are a few options how you can write this query - if you post a structure table and some dummy data i am sure that someone will create a demo / sqlfiddle.
it.itemID, it.itemLocationID, it.categoryParentID, it.categoryID, it.itemName, it.itemDetails,
l.locationID, l.locationName, l.locationLink,
c.categoryID, c.categoryName, c.categoryLink
FROM items it
LEFT JOIN locations l ON l.locationID = it.itemLocationID
it.itemStatus = '1'
AND it.itemAdded > '$timestamp'
AND c.category ID IN ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(categs) FROM (SELECT CONCAT(categoryID, ",", categoryParentID) AS categs FROM items ))