I got the data from the web service like the below order
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Racine><Resultat_detaille><XML.03_-_Caisse_Snack><Espece>234,00</Espece><CA>234,00</CA><Offert>0,00</Offert></XML.03_-_Caisse_Snack>
If the xml change to NSMutableDictionary, its goes to the sorting order.
"Resultat_detaille" = {
"XML.03_-_Caisse_Snack" = {
CA = "234,00";
Espece = "234,00";
Offert = "0,00";
I don't want sorting, but the dictionary is sorted order. I am using the RestKit for getting the data from the web. How can I get the original data to the dictionary? Please help me. Thanks in advance.