我有两个程序。产生执行一些计算的“工人”的“主人”,我希望主人从工人那里得到结果并存储总和。我正在尝试使用 MPI_Reduce 从工作人员那里收集结果,工作人员使用 MPI_Reduce 发送给主人 MPI_Comm。我不确定这是否正确。这是我的程序:


#include <mpi.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 
    int world_size, universe_size, *universe_sizep, flag; 

    int rc, send, recv;

    // intercommunicator
    MPI_Comm everyone;

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); 
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size); 

    if (world_size != 1) {
        cout << "Top heavy with management" << endl;

    MPI_Attr_get(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE, &universe_sizep, &flag);  
    if (!flag) { 
        cout << "This MPI does not support UNIVERSE_SIZE. How many processes total?";
        cout << "Enter the universe size: ";
        cin >> universe_size; 
    } else {
        universe_size = *universe_sizep;
    if (universe_size == 1) {
        cout << "No room to start workers" << endl;

    MPI_Comm_spawn("so_worker", MPI_ARGV_NULL, universe_size-1,  
             MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, MPI_COMM_SELF, &everyone,  

    send = 0;

    rc = MPI_Reduce(&send, &recv, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, everyone);

    // store result of recv ...
    // other calculations here
    cout << "From spawned workers recv: " << recv << endl;

    return 0; 


#include <mpi.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 

    int rc, send,recv;

    int parent_size, parent_id, my_id, numprocs; 
    // parent intercomm
    MPI_Comm parent; 
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); 

    if (parent == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
        cout << "No parent!" << endl;
    MPI_Comm_remote_size(parent, &parent_size); 
    MPI_Comm_rank(parent, &parent_id) ; 
    //cout << "Parent is of size: " << size << endl;
    if (parent_size != 1) {
        cout << "Something's wrong with the parent" << endl;

    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_id) ;     
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs) ;  

    cout << "I'm child process rank "<< my_id << " and we are " << numprocs << endl;
    cout << "The parent process rank "<< parent_id << " and we are " << parent_size << endl;

    // get value of send
    send = 7; // just an example
    recv = 0;

    rc = MPI_Reduce(&send, &recv, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, parent_id, parent);
    if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS)
        cout << my_id << " failure on mpi_reduce in WORKER" << endl;

    return 0; 

我编译了两者并像这样执行(mpic++ for osx):

mpic++ so_worker.cpp -o so_worker
mpic++ so_master.cpp -o so_master
mpirun -n 1 so_master


在 master 中,我总是从 MPI_Reduce 得到 0。我可以使用来自 intercommunicators 的 MPI_reduce 还是应该使用来自 worker 的 MPI_Send 和来自 master 的 MPI_Recv?我真的不确定为什么它不起作用。



1 回答 1


MPI_Comm_get_parent返回包含原始进程和所有衍生进程的父交互器。在这种情况下,调用MPI_Comm_rank(parent, &parent_id)不会返回父进程的等级,而是返回当前进程在交互器的本地组中的等级:

I'm child process rank 0 and we are 3
The parent process **rank 0** and we are 1
I'm child process rank 1 and we are 3
The parent process **rank 1** and we are 1
I'm child process rank 2 and we are 3
The parent process **rank 2** and we are 1



// Worker code
rc = MPI_Reduce(&send, &recv, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, parent);

这只是问题的一半。另一半是扎根的集体操作(例如MPI_REDUCE)与交互器的操作有点不同。首先必须决定两个组中的哪一个将托管根。一旦确定了根组,根进程必须作为 in 的值传递,MPI_ROOT并且根组中的所有其他进程都必须传递。即接收组中的进程根本不参与根集体操作。由于编写了主代码,因此主组中可能只有一个进程,因此将主代码中的调用更改为:rootMPI_REDUCEMPI_PROC_NULLMPI_Reduce

// Master code
rc = MPI_Reduce(&send, &recv, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_ROOT, everyone);

请注意,主节点本身也不参与归约操作,例如sendbuf(&send在这种情况下) 的值是无关紧要的,因为根不会发送要归约的数据 - 它只是收集对来自的值执行的归约的结果远程组中的进程。

于 2013-02-06T16:30:11.267 回答