我正在将我的 Rails 3.2 应用程序中的一些表单转换为使用 AngularJS,以便我可以进行实时计算等。在我的 rails 应用程序中,我使用money-rails来处理货币。这将所有货币字段视为由美分组成的整数。
当我通过 JSON 将所有信息发送到我的 AngularJS 模板时,这会成为一个问题。现在,当我想要美元和美分时,我的表格都是美分。
我已将转换放在我的 AngularJS 控制器中,因此当我从服务器获取数据时,我将其从美分转换为美元和美分,反之亦然,然后再更新。这是代码:
# Edit Investor
window.InvestorEditCtrl = ($scope, $routeParams, $location, Investor, Common) ->
console.log 'InvestorEditCtrl'
# Setup variable for common services(factory)
$scope.common = Common
$scope.master = {} # Initialise our main object hash
investor_id = $routeParams.investor_id # Get the ID of the investor we are editing from the URL
# Get the investor information & assign it to the scope master object
console.log 'Get JSON'
$scope.investor = new Investor.show({investor_id: investor_id}, (resource) ->
# copy the response from server response (JSON format) to the scopes master
$scope.master = angular.copy(resource)
# Convert price_cents to dollars
$scope.investor.price_cents /= 100
# Update the investor passing the JSON back to the server.
$scope.update = (investor) ->
# Convert price_cents to cents
investor.price_cents *= 100
$scope.master = angular.copy(investor)
investor.$update({investor_id: investor_id}, (t) ->
$location.path('/investors/' + t.id)