所以我有一个脚本可以在它的 x 轴上均衡其他元素的高度。该脚本运行良好......但仅当我使用 jQuery 1.8.3+ 时。问题似乎是由于outerHeight()功能。

我试图找出outerHeight()对 1.8.3+ 进行了哪些更新,但我运气不佳。

请参阅this fiddle,其中 jQuery 1.8.3 一切正常。

而这个小提琴使用 jQuery 1.7.2 脚本中断的地方。

任何人都可以帮助解释为什么会发生问题,并希望能解决我的困境!(理想情况下,我需要它来为 jQuery 1.7.1+ 工作)

为了进一步说明我为什么要使用outerHeight(),当其中一个选择器在顶部/底部有边距或填充时height()不会起作用。看看我的意思 > http://jsfiddle.net



1 回答 1


为了解决需要outerHeight()在不支持它的 jQuery 版本中添加 setter 的问题,我简单地添加了jQuery++提供的以下帮助器。

var weird = /button|select/i, //margin is inside border
getBoxes = {},
    checks = {
        width: ["Left", "Right"],
        height: ['Top', 'Bottom'],
        oldOuterHeight: $.fn.outerHeight,
        oldOuterWidth: $.fn.outerWidth,
        oldInnerWidth: $.fn.innerWidth,
        oldInnerHeight: $.fn.innerHeight
* @add jQuery.fn

* @function outerWidth
* @parent dimensions
* Lets you set the outer width on an object
* @param {Number} [height]
* @param {Boolean} [includeMargin=false] Makes setting the outerWidth adjust
* for margin. Defaults to false.
* $('#hasMargin').outerWidth(50, true);
* @return {jQuery|Number} If you are setting the value, returns the jQuery wrapped elements.
* @function innerWidth
* @parent dimensions
* Lets you set the inner height of an object
* @param {Number} [height]
* @function outerHeight
* @parent dimensions
* Lets you set the outer height of an object where: <br/>
* <code>outerHeight = height + padding + border + (margin)</code>.
* @codestart
* $("#foo").outerHeight(100); //sets outer height
* $("#foo").outerHeight(100, true); //uses margins
* $("#foo").outerHeight(); //returns outer height
* $("#foo").outerHeight(true); //returns outer height with margins
* @codeend
* When setting the outerHeight, it adjusts the height of the element.
* @param {Number|Boolean} [height] If a number is provided -> sets the outer height of the object.<br/>
* If true is given -> returns the outer height and includes margins.<br/>
* If no value is given -> returns the outer height without margin.
* @param {Boolean} [includeMargin] Makes setting the outerHeight adjust for margin.
* @return {jQuery|Number} If you are setting the value, returns the jQuery wrapped elements.
* Otherwise, returns outerHeight in pixels.
* @function innerHeight
* @parent dimensions
* Lets you set the outer width on an object
* @param {Number} [height]
"Height" }, function(lower, Upper) {

    //used to get the padding and border for an element in a given direction
    getBoxes[lower] = function(el, boxes) {
        var val = 0;
        if (!weird.test(el.nodeName)) {
            //make what to check for ....
            var myChecks = [];
            $.each(checks[lower], function() {
                var direction = this;
                $.each(boxes, function(name, val) {
                    if (val)
                        myChecks.push(name + direction+ (name == 'border' ? "Width" : "") );
            $.each($.curStyles(el, myChecks), function(name, value) {
                val += (parseFloat(value) || 0);
        return val;

    //getter / setter
    $.fn["outer" + Upper] = function(v, margin) {
        var first = this[0];
if (typeof v == 'number') {
            first && this[lower](v - getBoxes[lower](first, {padding: true, border: true, margin: margin}))
            return this;
        } else {
            return first ? checks["oldOuter" + Upper].call(this, v) : null;
    $.fn["inner" + Upper] = function(v) {
        var first = this[0];
if (typeof v == 'number') {
            first&& this[lower](v - getBoxes[lower](first, { padding: true }))
            return this;
        } else {
            return first ? checks["oldInner" + Upper].call(this, v) : null;
    //provides animations
var animate = function(boxes){
return function(fx){
if (fx.state == 0) {
fx.start = $(fx.elem)[lower]();
fx.end = fx.end - getBoxes[lower](fx.elem,boxes);
fx.elem.style[lower] = (fx.pos * (fx.end - fx.start) + fx.start) + "px"
    $.fx.step["outer" + Upper] = animate({padding: true, border: true})

$.fx.step["outer" + Upper+"Margin"] = animate({padding: true, border: true, margin: true})

$.fx.step["inner" + Upper] = animate({padding: true})



于 2013-02-04T20:19:59.553 回答