//Find the answer given by the user to the last answered question
$sqlB = mysql_query("SELECT Answer FROM Responses WHERE User = $sqlAPKID");
//If the operation produces an error, output an error message
if (!$sqlB) {
die('Invalid query for SQLB: ' . mysql_error());
//Count the number of rows output
$sqlBCount = mysql_num_rows($sqlB);
//If rows exist, define the values
if ($sqlBCount > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlB)) {
$sqlBAnswer = $row["Answer"];
//Find the number of the next question to be answered based on the user's previous answer and the question they answered
$sqlC = mysql_query("SELECT NextQuestion FROM Answers WHERE QuestionNumber = $sqlALastQuestionAnswered AND PKID = $sqlBAnswer");
//If the operation produces an error, output an error message
if (!$sqlC) {
die('Invalid query for SQLC: ' . mysql_error());
//Count the number of rows output
$sqlCCount = mysql_num_rows($sqlC);
//If rows exist, define the values
if ($sqlCCount > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlC)) {
$sqlCNextQuestion = $row["NextQuestion"];
谢谢 :)