请看我的Sample Fiddle...
我希望 JavaScript 警报以 jQuery UI 对话框的形式弹出,因为我想对其进行样式设置。感谢@asifrc的一些帮助,我得到了这个工作。
这就是我的 HTML 中的警报框...
<div id="pellalert"></div>
<div class="search-pell">
<form id="pellform">
<input type="text" value="Enter 13-14 PELL Score" class="search-input-bg-pell" id="pellscore" />
<div id="pellalert" style="font-size: 18px;"></div>
等,或<br />
Pell Alert
//Set content to old alert content
var content = 'Based on the 2013-2014 EFC you entered ('+efc+'), you may receive...'
+' \n'
+' \n'
+' \n'
+' \n-Tuition of 36 credits: $14,472'
+' \n'
+' \n-Direct Loan maximum for a Freshman* student: $9,405**'
+' \n_________________________________________________________'
+' \n-Potential PELL Grant Award: $'+pell+'.'
+' \n_________________________________________________________'
+' \n-Your estimated total out of pocket payment: $'+estpay+'.'
+' \n_________________________________________________________'
+' \n-Potential Student Success Grant: $'+ssg+'.'
+' \n_________________________________________________________'
+' \n-Your estimated monthly out of pocket payment: $'+monthpay+'.'
+' \n...'
//Replace newlines with <br> (since it's now html)
content = content.replace('\n', '<br>');
//Set innerHTML of dialog, and then show the dialog