In the attempt of performing animation with large set of images, I tried with FrameAnimation but I found of outofmemory exception with large set of images, after some exploration for the solution I found one good solution here Pinhassi's solution.
This one helps me to achieve animation but not smoothly because it taking a time to load the images. Then I decided to decode bitmap before starting the animation (giving bitmap instead of resID to ImageView). Through this I got smooth animation. But it is taking a time to decode the bitmap from the resources.
Is there any better approach to do the same? Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Details of the image
Total Number of images =30;
Image Dimension =1000x 720;
Size =180kb
Devices on which I am performing
Manufacture: Motorola
Model: MZ601
Android Version: 3.0
To decode Bitmap
Bitmap mBitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),resID);
int bitmapSize= mBitmap.getRowBytes()*mBitmap.getHeight())
The approximate bitmapSize values is 3000000 (might be it is in bytes) converting it to kilobytes 23437.5kb
Here original png file is 180kb but after decoding it, taking nearly 2MB of data. Why?
Is I am doing anything wrong in analyzing the size of bitmap?
If yes, then how to get the size of decode bitmap?
If no, then any one explain why it is taking large space?
Note: I don’t want to scale the bitmap since it is perfect to my device screen dimension which is (1280 x 752).
In advance for valuable suggestions and solutions.