// C++03 solution won't work with arrays and some other custom containers.
// Mostly drop this block:
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
namespace aux {
using std::begin; using std::end;
template<typename C> auto adl_begin( C&& c )->decltype( begin(c) );
template<typename C> auto adl_end( C&& c )->decltype( end(c) );
template<typename C>
struct container_traits:
std::iterator_traits< typename std::decay< decltype( aux::adl_begin( *(C*)nullptr ) ) >::type >
typedef typename std::decay< decltype( adl_begin( *(C*)nullptr ) ) >::type iterator_type;
// C++03 solution won't work with arrays. Inside std::less, use Container::value_type:
typename Container,
typename Comparison = std::less<
typename aux::container_traits<Container>::value_type
void indirect_sort_then_swap( Container& c, Comparison&& comp = Comparison() ) {
typedef aux::container_traits<Container> con_traits;
typedef typename con_traits::value_type value_type;
typedef typename con_traits::iterator_type iterator_type;
std::vector< iterator_type > indirect;
// C++03 solution can use c.begin(), but will not work with arrays:
using std::begin; using std::end;
auto begin_ = begin(c);
auto end_ = end(c);
for( auto it = begin_; it != end_; ++it ) {
indirect.push_back( it );
// In C++03, write a functor class that does this:
auto indirect_sort = [&comp]( iterator_type const& left, iterator_type const& right )->bool {
return comp(*left, *right);
std::sort( indirect.begin(), indirect.end(), indirect_sort );
// at this point, indirect is a vector with the contents of c sorted by iterator:
// a hard part remains, namely to take this information and sort c with minimal swaps
// That is hard. I will instead create an easy approach, namely create an empty
// copy of c full of empty elements, and directly swap the correct entry of c into
// each slot, then I swap c with its copy.
// the downside is that my container now needs to support push_back. Oh well.
Container c2;
// C++03 solution cannot use auto here. But we know the type of indirect:
for (auto it = indirect.begin(); it != indirect.end(); ++it) {
// See previous comment
auto itv = *it;
c2.push_back( value_type() );
using std::swap;
swap( *itv, c2.back() );
// by this point, the contents of c have been swap-moved to c2
// swap them back:
using std::swap;
swap( c, c2 );
int main() {
std::vector<int> foo;
for (auto i:foo) {
std::cout << i << "\n";
something like the above is a viable approach. I wrote a bunch of it in C++11, but included comments on how to strip out the extra C++11 stuff (it actually simplifies the code in some cases, but removes the ability to handle some container-like things).
The basic idea is to sort a vector
of iterator
s into your original container. Then we create a temporary container, stuff trivial value_type
s into it, swap
those trivial value_type
s with the correct data from the original container (as determined by the vector
of sorted iterator
s), then swap
this temporary container for our original container.
There is lots of allocation, but hopefully of cheap stuff.
For this to work, the data you are sorting needs be trivial constructable. For this to be efficient, the data you are working with when trivially constructed needs to be cheap, and swap
needs to be efficient.
I attempted to make this as ADL friendly as I can, because I find that to be good practice.