Suppose I have an abstract container-like class called RuleBook. Users of RuleBook expect to be able to forward-iterate over the RuleBook to obtain Rules.

Unlike standard containers, there will be no restrictions on the memory layout of the the concrete subclasses here. Instead, it is up to the implementers of the subclasses to comply with the forward-iteration requirement of RuleBook and satisfy this requirement based on its own data structures.

I am thinking that RuleBook should contain pure virtual begin() and end() so it would work with range-based for, but I am running into a few problems.

What should the signatures be for begin() and end()? How should BasketballRules and CompanyRules be implemented?

How do we deal with the end condition when the iterator goes past the last item?

In the example below, you can assume that m_rp and m_rpp only point to one Rule each. We want to return some kind of iterator for the guts (like a Rule*). We can also assume that all subclasses of Foo will contain Rule in various data structures, which will be up to the whim of the implementor.

If I implement the entire thing using Rule* as my iterator and null_ptr as my beyond-the-endpoint, would this be STL compliant?

I am currently looking into custom iterators, but I'm not even sure this problem fits well with that paradigm because each subclass must effectively define the guts of the iteration.


struct RuleBook
  // virtual Rule* begin() = 0;
  // virtual Rule* end() = 0; 

struct CompanyRules :
    public RuleBook
    Rule m_r;

struct BasketballRules :
    public RuleBook
    // return the three Rules, one-at-a-time, in succession
    Rule   m_r;
    Rule*  m_rp;
    Rule** m_rpp;

main( int argv, char* argc[] )

4 回答 4



begin() 和 end() 的签名应该是什么?


RuleBook::iterator begin();
RuleBook::iterator end();


BasketballRules 和 CompanyRules 应该如何执行?




如果我使用 Rule* 作为我的迭代器和 null_ptr 作为我的超出端点来实现整个事情,这是否符合 STL?

不。如果您的迭代器类型只是Rule*在递增迭代器时不会移动到下一个Rule,它只是指向内存中的下一个位置,它甚至可能不是一个Rule对象,从而导致未定义的行为。例如,BasketballRules如果您Rule*指向m_r并递增它,您并没有指向一个有效的Rule对象,您指向的是由m_rpie a占用的内存,Rule*并且取消引用它是未定义的行为。

此外,如果您不断增加 a ,Rule*您将永远无法达到最终nullptr值。

我给 Yakk 的答案投了赞成票,因为它是一个合理的实现,但很难做到正确。多态接口中需要考虑和包含很多事情,例如,如果您使用==比较两个RuleBook::iterator对象,其中一个指向 aCompanyRules和一个指向 a会发生什么BasketballRules,多态迭代器的相等性如何工作?




struct RuleBook
  typedef std::vector<Rule*> list_type;
  typedef list_type::iterator iterator;

  virtual iterator begin() = 0;
  virtual iterator end() = 0;

struct CompanyRules :
    public RuleBook
    CompanyRules() : m_list{ &m_r } { }
    Rule m_r;

    iterator begin() { return m_list.begin(); }
    iterator end() { return m_list.end(); }

    list_type m_list;

struct BasketballRules :
    public RuleBook
    BaseketballRules() : m_list{ &m_r, m_rp, *m_rpp } { }

    // return the three Rules, one-at-a-time, in succession
    Rule   m_r;
    Rule*  m_rp;
    Rule** m_rpp;

    iterator begin() { return m_list.begin(); }
    iterator end() { return m_list.end(); }

    // N.B.
    // must update m_list[1] any time m_rp changes
    // must update m_list[2] any time the pointee of m_rpp changes (harder!)
    list_type m_list;
于 2012-12-30T13:20:41.797 回答

Boost 有一些迭代器帮助模板类——crtp,需要你实现一些方法。它们的pImpl基于用户将允许您的迭代器的合规和虚拟行为。即,pImpl是一个纯虚拟抽象类,迭代器将其工作委托给它。


于 2012-12-30T12:09:34.397 回答

确切的签名并不重要,因为基于范围的 for 循环是根据使用的表达式定义的。如果找到beginend成员函数,则将它们称为__range.begin()__range.end()。签名无关紧要的一个示例是,这些成员函数可以具有任意数量和类型的参数,只要它们可以像.begin()and一样调用.end()(这意味着参数必须具有默认值)。

如果类型没有beginend成员函数,则使用表达式begin(__range)end(__range)。(其中使用您在 range-for-loop 中使用的表达式__range进行auto &&__range初始化)。因此,只要依赖于参数的查找有效,确切的签名就很重要。

BasketballRules 和 CompanyRules 应该如何执行?


这些是与 range-base-for-loops 如何工作不同的问题。您应该专门询问有关这些的其他问题。


于 2012-12-30T09:07:53.413 回答

也许您可以尝试类似 Alex Alllain 在他的关于基于范围的 for 循环的教程中解释的方式。它还有一个示例,用于制作可通过基于范围的 for 循环迭代的数据结构


  1. 一个 .begin() 和一个 .end() 方法。它们也可以是独立的。
  2. operator!= 、 ++ 和 * 重载,以便支持需要执行的迭代器操作。
于 2012-12-30T09:37:44.643 回答