I have an HTTPS WSDL URL (https://hostname/MyApp/MyApp.svc?wsdl) that needs to be consumed in a Maven project. The certificate on WSDL is expired and is issued to hostname.company.com.

I have following code in Maven pom.xml


When I do a clean and build, I get following error

Processing: https://hostname/MyApp/MyApp.svc?wsdl
jaxws:wsimport args: [-s, C:\WorkspaceNetBeans\Maven\WSTest\target\generated-sources\jaxws-wsimport, -d, C:\WorkspaceNetBeans\Maven\WSTest\target\classes, https://hostname/MyApp/MyApp.svc?wsdl]
parsing WSDL...

java.security.cert.CertificateException: No name matching hostname found

Failed to read the WSDL document: https://hostname/MyApp/MyApp.svc?wsdl, because 1) could not find the document; /2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <wsdl:definitions>. 

failed.noservice=Could not find wsdl:service in the provided WSDL(s): 

 At least one WSDL with at least one service definition needs to be provided.

    Failed to parse the WSDL.

I added the certificate to keystore using keytool utility. What else do I need to do?


2 回答 2


您可以从 Web 浏览器本地下载 wsdl,然后在该本地文件上运行 wsimport 以生成您的 Java 模型。

于 2012-12-28T17:08:16.413 回答


1) 将服务器的证书导入到信任库中,同时确保服务器证书中显示的 CN 名称与您使用的主机名相同。此链接可能会有所帮助:http://bluefoot.info/howtos/how-to-avoid-java-security-cert-certificateexception-no-name-matching-localhost-found/

2) 使用 Netbeans 或 eclipse 之类的工具,它可以忽略(尽管我对此表示怀疑)服务器的 SSL 方面。

3) 创建一个本地版本的 WSDL,解析所有相关的 XSD 引用并使用该 WSDL。

于 2012-12-28T17:57:20.457 回答