我编写了一个计算图像焦点值的代码。但它需要超过 5 秒才能完成。

 public double GetFValue(Image image)
            Bitmap source = new Bitmap(image);
            int count = 0;
            double total = 0;
            double totalVariance = 0;
            double FM = 0;
             Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height);
             Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0,0,source.Width,source.Height);
              Bitmap targetRect = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height);

            // converting to grayscale
            for (int y = 0; y < source.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < source.Width; x++)
                    Color c = source.GetPixel(x, y);
                    int luma = (int)(c.R * 0.3 + c.G * 0.59 + c.B * 0.11);
                    source.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(luma, luma, luma)); // the image is now gray scaled 
                    var pixelval = source.GetPixel(x, y);
                  //  targetRect.Save(@"C:\Users\payam\Desktop\frame-42-rectangle.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                    int pixelValue = pixelval.G;
                    total += pixelValue;
                    double avg = total / count;
                    totalVariance += Math.Pow(pixelValue - avg, 2);
                    double stDV = Math.Sqrt(totalVariance / count); // the standard deviation, which is also the focus value
                    FM = Math.Round(stDV, 2);
            return FM;


  public double CalculateFvalue (Image image)
        Bitmap myimage = new Bitmap(image);
        int count = 0;
        int total = 0;
        double totalVariance = 0;
        double FM = 0;
        Parallel.For(0, image.Height, y =>

            for (int x = 0; x < myimage.Width; x++)
                           Color c = myimage.GetPixel(x, y);
                           int luma = (int)(c.R * 0.3 + c.G * 0.59 + c.B * 0.11);
                           myimage.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(luma, luma, luma)); // the image is now gray scaled 
                           var pixelval = myimage.GetPixel(x, y);
                           int pixelValue = pixelval.G;
                           total += pixelValue;
                           double avg = total / count;
                           totalVariance += Math.Pow(pixelValue - avg, 2);
                           double stDV = Math.Sqrt(totalVariance / count); // the standard deviation, which is also the focus value
                           FM = Math.Round(stDV, 2);


        return Math.Round(FM,2);

2 回答 2


这是因为您声明的变量超出了Parallel.For. 由于它们的访问(和写入)是不确定的,因此您可能会使用错误的数据(例如FM)覆盖值。


于 2012-12-21T18:46:39.850 回答

要扩展我的评论,请不要尝试并行运行 GetPixel,而是使用 lockBits。

您使用 lockbits 的代码:

    public double GetFValue(Image image)
        Bitmap source = new Bitmap(image);
        int count = 0;
        double total = 0;
        double totalVariance = 0;
        double FM = 0;
        Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height);
        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, source.Width, source.Height);
        //Bitmap targetRect = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height);

        BitmapData bmd = source.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, source.PixelFormat);
        int[] pixelData = new int[(rect.Height * rect.Width) -1];
        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bmd.Scan0, pixelData, 0, pixelData.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < pixelData.Length; i++)
            Color c = Color.FromArgb(pixelData[i]);
            int luma = (int)(c.R * 0.3 + c.G * 0.59 + c.B * 0.11);
            //Probably a formula for this
            pixelData[i] = Color.FromArgb(luma, luma, luma).ToArgb(); 
            total += luma;
            double avg = total / count;
            totalVariance += Math.Pow(luma - avg, 2);
            double stDV = Math.Sqrt(totalVariance / count);
            FM = Math.Round(stDV, 2);
        return FM;

在使用来自 win7 示例图片 (Chrysanthemum.jpg) 的 1024 x 768 jpg 的快速测试中:

锁定位:241 毫秒

获取像素:2208 毫秒

请注意,在转换您的代码时,我注意到了一些奇怪的事情(例如同一像素上的 getpixel、setpixel、getpixel?)但我想您知道您想要实现什么,并且此代码与您的代码完全相同

于 2012-12-21T21:11:17.337 回答