使用 R,从省略上三角部分的文件中读取对称矩阵的最佳方法是什么。例如,
.505 1.000
.569 .422 1.000
.602 .467 .926 1.000
.621 .482 .877 .874 1.000
.603 .450 .878 .894 .937 1.000
使用 R,从省略上三角部分的文件中读取对称矩阵的最佳方法是什么。例如,
.505 1.000
.569 .422 1.000
.602 .467 .926 1.000
.621 .482 .877 .874 1.000
.603 .450 .878 .894 .937 1.000
这是一个 read.table 和 loopless 和 *apply-less 的解决方案:
txt <- "1.000
.505 1.000
.569 .422 1.000
.602 .467 .926 1.000
.621 .482 .877 .874 1.000
.603 .450 .878 .894 .937 1.000"
# Could use clipboard or read this from a file as well.
mat <- data.matrix( read.table(text=txt, fill=TRUE, col.names=paste("V", 1:6)) )
mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)]
> mat
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
[1,] 1.000 0.505 0.569 0.602 0.621 0.603
[2,] 0.505 1.000 0.422 0.467 0.482 0.450
[3,] 0.569 0.422 1.000 0.926 0.877 0.878
[4,] 0.602 0.467 0.926 1.000 0.874 0.894
[5,] 0.621 0.482 0.877 0.874 1.000 0.937
[6,] 0.603 0.450 0.878 0.894 0.937 1.000
我复制了你的文字,然后用来tt <- file('clipboard','rt')
tt <- file("yourfile.txt",'rt')
a <- readLines(tt)
b <- strsplit(a," ") #insert delimiter here; can use regex
b <- lapply(b,function(x) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
length(x) <- max(unlist(lapply(b,length)));
b <- do.call(rbind,b)
b[is.na(b)] <- 0
#kinda kludgy way to get the symmetric matrix
b <- b + t(b) - diag(b[1,1],nrow=dim(b)[1],ncol=dim(b)[2]
我正在发帖,但我更喜欢 Blue Magister 的方法。但也许这里面有些东西是有用的。
mat <- readLines(n=6)
.505 1.000
.569 .422 1.000
.602 .467 .926 1.000
.621 .482 .877 .874 1.000
.603 .450 .878 .894 .937 1.000
nmat <- lapply(mat, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "\\s+")))
lens <- sapply(nmat, length)
dlen <- max(lens) -lens
bmat <- lapply(seq_along(nmat), function(i) {
as.numeric(c(nmat[[i]], rep(NA, dlen[i])))
mat <- do.call(rbind, bmat)
mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)]
# read file as a vector
mat <- scan("file.txt", what = numeric())
# calculate the number of columns (and rows)
ncol <- (sqrt(8 * length(mat) + 1) - 1) / 2
# index of the diagonal values
diag_idx <- cumsum(seq.int(ncol))
# generate split index
split_idx <- cummax(sequence(seq.int(ncol)))
split_idx[diag_idx] <- split_idx[diag_idx] - 1
# split vector into list of rows
splitted_rows <- split(mat, f = split_idx)
# generate matrix
mat_full <- suppressWarnings(do.call(rbind, splitted_rows))
mat_full[upper.tri(mat_full)] <- t(mat_full)[upper.tri(mat_full)]
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
0 1.000 0.505 0.569 0.602 0.621 0.603
1 0.505 1.000 0.422 0.467 0.482 0.450
2 0.569 0.422 1.000 0.926 0.877 0.878
3 0.602 0.467 0.926 1.000 0.874 0.894
4 0.621 0.482 0.877 0.874 1.000 0.937
5 0.603 0.450 0.878 0.894 0.937 1.000