当我尝试创建对象数组时,我在 Java 程序中遇到问题。线程“main”中的异常 java.lang.NullPointerException 错误是我得到的错误。我真的可以使用一些帮助,因为我在这个地方被困了几个小时......
感谢您的帮助 !
public class Placement extends JFrame {
private JPanel placementPanel;
private JFrame gameEngineFrame;
private Ship[] boardShips; //Array of ships objects to save ships
private JButton[] shipButton; //Array of buttons for the ships
private JLabel selectShipLabel;
private Ship shipSelected;
private Ship highlightedShip;
JPanel shipSelect = new JPanel();
shipSelect.setLayout(new GridLayout(14, 1));
shipSelect.setBackground(Color.getHSBColor(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.75F)); //Setting background color. Hue, saturation, brightness format. (HSB)
shipSelect.setBounds(320, 20, 200, 300); //Setting postiion of the panel inside the JPanel and setting width & height
private void makeShips(JPanel inPanel)
System.out.println("make ships testing");
this.shipButton[0] = new JButton("Aircraft Carrier");
boardShips[0] = new Ship(5, "Aircraft Carrier", 0);
this.shipButton[1] = new JButton("Battleship");
boardShips[1] = new Ship(4, "Battleship", 1);
this.shipButton[2] = new JButton("Cruiser");
boardShips[2] = new Ship(3, "Cruiser", 2);
this.shipButton[3] = new JButton("Destroyer 1");
boardShips[3] = new Ship(2, "Destroyer", 3);
this.shipButton[4] = new JButton("Submarine 1");
boardShips[4] = new Ship(1, "Submarine", 4);
System.out.println("make ships testing22");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
this.shipButton[i].setName("" + i);
this.shipButton[i].addActionListener((ActionListener) this);
public Ship(int tempSize, String tempName, int tempButton)
this.size = tempSize;
this.name = tempName;
this.button = tempButton;
// this.shipCoords = new int[this.size][2];
//this.shipIcons = new ImageIcon[2][this.size];
//this.shipSunkIcons = new ImageIcon[2][this.size];