我正在尝试配置 AX 2012 R2,实时服务(不是 Web 服务),但在来自 POS 的库存查找请求期间,它在 POS 处出现错误

错误号:13010 无法连接到交易服务,


LSRetailPosis.TransactionServices.InvokeMethod:System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException:您试图创建一个不支持.Net 框架的服务的通道。---> System.IO.InvalidDataException:预期的记录类型“PreambleAck”,找到“46”。


            1. Firewall is completely off.

            2. RTS conguration:




                            Passphrase: i have tried all possbile passphrases.

                            language: en-us

                            Realtime service  version:  AX 2012 R2

            3. Service is listening on the 1239 port number.

            4. As soon as i click inventory lookup atp pos error appears:  error number: 13010 could not connect to the transaction service,

            5. then i looked into the eventlog which showed the following error:
  1. 下面是事务服务配置文件设置:

<add key="Port" value="1239" />

<add key="UseAX" value="1" />


<add key="ObjectServer" value="MicrosoftDynamicsAX@AX12-Test:2712" />

<!-- When both IPV4 and IPV6 are available, set to true to use IPV6. Default value is false. -->

<add key="PreferIPV6" value="false" />

<add key="RetailTransactionServiceAX61" value="RetailTransactionServiceAX61" />

<add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />

<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />


  <!-- this registers the listener with traces from a specific source -->

  <source name="TransactionServiceTracer" switchValue="Error">


      <add name="xmlListener" type="TransactionServicesLib.EnvironmentVariableXmlTraceListener, TransactionServicesLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL" initializeData="%AppData%\RetailTransactionService.svclog" traceOutputOptions="ProcessId, ThreadId, Timestamp" />

      <remove name="Default" />





1 回答 1


AX 2012 Feature pack对于您的查询,答案是 -在交易服务配置文件中设置实时服务版本。

使用功能包 Commerce 数据交换实时服务(正式交易服务)的步骤,而不是 R2 提供的通过 Web 服务公开的服务。

 Step 1: Check following service is installed and running.
     - Microsoft Dynamics AX Commerce Data Exchange: Real-time Service 6.1

 Step 2: Configure key="ObjectServer" value="AOSINSTANCE@AOSSERVER:AOSPORT" settings at following file
     - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Commerce Data Exchange\Real-time Services\6.1\Bin\RetailTransactionService.exe.config

 Step 3: In AX go to retail->setup->channel integration ->real time service profiles


Server : "ServerNameHostingThis Service"
Port : "1239"
Protocol: "net.tcp"
PassPhrase : "PassPhrase"
Real time service version to "AX 2012 Feature pack"
于 2012-12-27T08:51:38.703 回答