我正在尝试使用 Matlab 中的函数 Treebagger 评估特征的重要性。
Treebagger 帮助文件显示:
COMPUTEOOBVARIMP Flag to compute out-of-bag variable importance.
The ComputeOOBVarImp property is a logical flag specifying whether out-of-bag
estimates of variable importance should be computed. The default is
false. If this flag is true, COMPUTEOOBPREDICTION is true as well.
If this flag is true, the following properties are available:
OOBPermutedVarDeltaError, OOBPermutedVarDeltaMeanMargin,
b = treeBagger(20,resultMatrix,runOutputs,'OOBVarImp','on','Method','classification','NVarToSample',10);
> 包含 20 个袋装决策树的集成:
Training X: [4130x308]
Training Y: [4130x1]
Method: classification
Nvars: 308
NVarToSample: 10
MinLeaf: 1
FBoot: 1
SampleWithReplacement: 1
ComputeOOBPrediction: 1
ComputeOOBVarImp: 1
Proximity: []
ClassNames: '0' '1'
据我了解,ComputeOOBVarImp 设置为 true,但属性 OOBPermutedVarDeltaError、OOBPermutedVarDeltaMeanMargin 和 OOBPermutedVarCountRaiseMargin 不在这里。