
当主题阅读时,我正在寻找作为画布应用程序开发人员我能做什么和不能做什么的总结。我尝试阅读适用于页面的条款和条件、政策以及其他特定于 Facebook 内容的政策 - 某些条款存在歧义,例如,这一条款指定您的应用程序的主要目的不是链接到第三方应用程序- 我什至不确定这意味着什么!那么,如果我开发了一个银行画布页面,这是否意味着我无法链接到原始银行网站?另一个条款说我不能通过我的画布页面发布广告 - 所以,如果我正在开发一个忠诚度积分应用程序,它提供产品优惠(手表或类似的东西可享受 10% 的折扣),它是否有资格作为广告?

我尝试了查找幻灯片共享,我什至用谷歌搜索了很多 - 我没有找到任何可以解释 Facebook 应用程序(特别是画布应用程序)的一堆做和不做的法律术语的东西。如果你们能从法律/政策的角度在这里分享您作为应用程序开发人员的经验,那将极大地帮助我。TIA


1 回答 1


I've been looking for stuff like that aswell. Fb and documenting :/

As for the primary purpose of your application will not be to link to a third party application: I presume they mean, not just a canvas app with a redirect/framebreaker to the third party app/site. But something you actually use inside facebook.

Fb wants you to use its own advertisements, this used to be more of a privacy thing, because a lot of advertising networks use tracking cookies etc and this conflicts with the FB Privacy Policy. But since they went public, i'm guessing they need to show some ad income.

If for example, you have an app and as a bonus they get a point for every time they buy something, they get a discount or every time they unlock an achievement or w/e. it should not be a problem.

I do advise you to contact FB directly tho, just to be sure... response can be slow (weeks).

于 2012-11-21T10:44:03.143 回答