在为 joomla 2.5 开发自定义组件时,我遇到了一个问题。
我通过 MVC 结构从我的数据库中提取数据。一切正常,除非查询没有返回任何结果。
在我看来,我遇到了一个Trying to get property of non-object
$this->_gallery = array();
// Load the data
if (empty( $this->_gallery )) {
$query = ' SELECT #__gallery.id, user_id, merk, type, name, bouwjaar, vermogen, #__gallery_kleur.kleur, transmissie, #__gallery_benzine.soort AS brandstof, cilinders, motorinhoud, gewicht, link FROM #__gallery LEFT JOIN #__gallery_merk ON #__gallery.merk_id = #__gallery_merk.merk_id LEFT JOIN #__gallery_type ON #__gallery.type_id = #__gallery_type.type_id LEFT JOIN #__gallery_autoinfo ON #__gallery.id = #__gallery_autoinfo.galleryid LEFT JOIN #__gallery_kleur ON #__gallery_autoinfo.kleur = #__gallery_kleur.kleurid LEFT JOIN #__gallery_benzine ON #__gallery_autoinfo.brandstof = #__gallery_benzine.benzineid LEFT JOIN #__users ON #__gallery.user_id = #__users.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM #__gallery_foto ORDER BY #__gallery_foto.hoofdfoto ASC) as #__gallery_foto ON #__gallery.id = #__gallery_foto.galleryid GROUP BY #__gallery.id ';
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$num_rows = $this->_db->getNumRows();
$this->_gallery = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
if (!$this->_gallery) {
$this->_gallery = new stdClass();
$this->_gallery->id = 0;
$this->_total = count($this->_gallery);
if ($num_rows == 0) {
if ($this->getState('limit') > 0) {
$this->_gallery = array_splice($this->_gallery, $this->getState('limitstart'), $this->getState('limit') );
return $this->_gallery;
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// import Joomla view library
jimport( 'joomla.html.pagination' );
* HTML View class for the HelloWorld Component
class GalleryViewGallery extends JView
// Overwriting JView display method
function display($tpl = null)
$gallery = $this->get( 'Gallery' );
$this->assignRef( 'gallery', $gallery );
$this->items = $this->get('Gallery');
$this->pagination = $this->get('Pagination');
// Check for errors.
if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors')))
JError::raiseError(500, implode('<br />', $errors));
return false;
// Display the view
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
//$document = &JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet('components'.DS.'com_gallery'.DS.'css'.DS.'gallery.css');
$document = &JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet('components/com_gallery/css/gallery.css');
In onderstaande overzicht wordt overzicht van galleries getoond, ben op je zoek naar iets specifieks ?. Gebruik dan het zoekscherm aan de linkerkant van deze pagina om een aangepast overzicht te tonen.
$count = '1';
foreach($this->gallery as $gallery){
if($count == '0'){
echo 'Geen resultaat';
<div class="gallery_wrapper">
if($gallery->merk OR $gallery->type > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_merktype\">";
echo "<a href='gallerie?view=gallerydetail&gallery=" . $gallery->id . "' target='_self'>";
echo "<H1>";
echo $gallery->merk;
echo " ";
echo $gallery->type;
echo "</H1>";
echo "</a>";
echo "</div>";
//Weergeven afbeelding, bepaling maximale hoogte en breedte gebeurt in CSS.
if($gallery->link > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_foto\">";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_foto_clip\">";
echo "<a href='gallerie?view=gallerydetail&gallery=" . $gallery->id . "' target='_self'><img src='../galleryimage/thumb/" . $gallery->link . "' width='200px' alt='Afbeelding'/></a>";
echo "</div></div>";
<div class="gallery_wrapper_info">
//Weergeven gallery gegevens.
if($gallery->bouwjaar > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_title\">Bouwjaar:</div>";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_values\">";
echo $gallery->bouwjaar;
echo "</div>";
if($gallery->vermogen > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_title\">Vermogen:</div>";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_values\">";
echo $gallery->vermogen;
echo "</div>";
if($gallery->kleur > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_title\">Kleur:</div>";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_values\">";
echo $gallery->kleur;
echo "</div>";
if($gallery->transmissie > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_title\">Transmissie:</div>";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_values\">";
echo $gallery->transmissie;
echo "</div>";
if($gallery->brandstof > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_title\">Brandstof:</div>";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_values\">";
echo $gallery->brandstof;
echo "</div>";
if($gallery->cilinders > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_title\">Cilinders:</div>";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_values\">";
echo $gallery->cilinders;
echo "</div>";
if($gallery->motorinhoud > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_title\">Motorinhoud:</div>";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_values\">";
echo $gallery->motorinhoud;
echo "</div>";
if($gallery->gewicht > Null){
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_title\">Gewicht:</div>";
echo "<div class=\"gallery_info_values\">";
echo $gallery->gewicht;
echo "</div>";
<div class="gallery_bekijken">
<H2><a href="index.php/gallerie?view=gallerydetail&gallery=<?php echo $gallery->id; ?>" target="_self">Bekijk Gallery</a></H2>
<form method="post" name="limiet">
<?php echo $this->pagination->getPagesLinks(); ?>
<?php echo $this->pagination->getLimitbox(); ?>
echo "No result";
填充数组的 print_r:
Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 146 [user_id] => 861 [merk] => Seat [type] => Leon [name] => Danny [bouwjaar] => 2004 [vermogen] => 190 [kleur] => Geel [transmissie] => Handgeschakeld [brandstof] => Diesel [cilinders] => 4 [motorinhoud] => 1900 [gewicht] => 1210 [link] => p1793sjnq51u373r12qdobs1d2b2.jpg ) )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 0 )
如果我把它放回“5”,当查询没有返回任何结果时,我会得到一个 array_splice 错误。当有数据时,它可以完美运行。
$this->_gallery = array();
// Load the data
if (empty( $this->_gallery )) {
$query = ' SELECT #__gallery.id, user_id, merk, type, name, bouwjaar, vermogen, #__gallery_kleur.kleur, transmissie, #__gallery_benzine.soort AS brandstof, cilinders, motorinhoud, gewicht, link FROM #__gallery LEFT JOIN #__gallery_merk ON #__gallery.merk_id = #__gallery_merk.merk_id LEFT JOIN #__gallery_type ON #__gallery.type_id = #__gallery_type.type_id LEFT JOIN #__gallery_autoinfo ON #__gallery.id = #__gallery_autoinfo.galleryid LEFT JOIN #__gallery_kleur ON #__gallery_autoinfo.kleur = #__gallery_kleur.kleurid LEFT JOIN #__gallery_benzine ON #__gallery_autoinfo.brandstof = #__gallery_benzine.benzineid LEFT JOIN #__users ON #__gallery.user_id = #__users.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM #__gallery_foto ORDER BY #__gallery_foto.hoofdfoto ASC) as #__gallery_foto ON #__gallery.id = #__gallery_foto.galleryid GROUP BY #__gallery.id ';
$this->_db->setQuery( $query );
$this->_gallery = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
if (!$this->_gallery) {
$this->_gallery = new stdClass();
$this->_gallery->id = 0;
$this->_total = count($this->_gallery);
if ($this->getState('limit') > 0) {
$this->_gallery = array_splice($this->_gallery, $this->getState('limitstart'), $this->getState('limit') );
return $this->_gallery;
当没有结果和限制设置为 5 时,我认为错误:
Warning: array_splice() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in
Print_R 没有返回结果,但我认为这很明显。