这是Jsfiddle,它显示了我到目前为止所拥有的东西。我希望这样当用户将鼠标悬停在背景颜色为红色的 div 上时,setInterval 应该停止,以便鼠标悬停在其上的 div 应该保持红色,而所有其余的 div 保持默认颜色(白色)。
当鼠标移出 div 时,设置的间隔继续。
function bgChange(){
for(var count = 0; count < arr.length; count++){
if(i == count) arr[count].css('background-color', "red");
else arr[count].css("background-color", "skyblue");
if( i === arr.length){i =0;}
var color = $(".boxes").each(function(){//part of the code i
// tried adding but doesnt't work
//check the background color to see if its red. Also if the mouse is over the
//particular div it should clear the interval and when the mouse moves out of the
// the div it should start rotating colors down the row