
我正在尝试在 IOS 中解析此 XML 代码:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
        <titulo><![CDATA[Madrid, BordÈus e Paris]]></titulo>

        <descricao><![CDATA[ 7 dias c/ Pequeno AlmoÁo - Apenas Circuito Terrestre - Alojamento e Pequeno-AlmoÁo ; 7 dias c/ Pequeno AlmoÁo - SaÌda com voo de Lisboa - Alojamento e Pequeno-AlmoÁo ; 7 dias c/ Pequeno AlmoÁo - SaÌda com voo do Porto - Alojamento e Pequeno-AlmoÁo ; 7 dias c/ Pequeno AlmoÁo - SaÌda com voo de Faro - Alojamento e Pequeno-AlmoÁo]]></descricao>
        <datas><![CDATA[Consultar programa]]></datas>

        <subcategoria>Circuitos Europa</subcategoria>
        <tipo>Circuitos Europa</tipo>





        <titulo><![CDATA[Paris, Frankfurt e Praga]]></titulo>

        <descricao><![CDATA[ 7 dias c/ Pequeno AlmoÁo - Apenas Circuito Terrestre - Alojamento e Pequeno-AlmoÁo ; 7 dias c/ Pequeno AlmoÁo - SaÌda com voo de Lisboa - Alojamento e Pequeno-AlmoÁo ; 7 dias c/ Pequeno AlmoÁo - SaÌda com voo do Porto - Alojamento e Pequeno-AlmoÁo ; 7 dias c/ Pequeno AlmoÁo - SaÌda com voo de Faro - Alojamento e Pequeno-AlmoÁo]]></descricao>
        <datas><![CDATA[01/Nov, 08/Nov, 15/Nov, 29/Nov, 13/Dez, 27/Dez, 10/Jan/2013, 24/Jan/2013, 07/Fev/2013, 21/Fev/2013, 07/Mar/2013, 21/Mar/2013]]></datas>

我不知道这是否是解析大文件的最佳选择,但我正在使用SMXMLDocument它来解析这个特定的 XML。我遇到的问题是我无法解码这个 XML。这是我正在使用的 XML 解析器的作者给出的代码示例:

NSString *sampleXML = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"global" ofType:@"xml"];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:sampleXML];

// create a new SMXMLDocument with the contents of sample.xml
NSError *error;
SMXMLDocument *document = [SMXMLDocument documentWithData:data error:&error];

// check for errors
if (error) {
    NSLog(@"Error while parsing the document: %@", error);

// demonstrate -description of document/element classes
NSLog(@"Document:\n %@", document);

// Pull out the <books> node
SMXMLElement *books = [document.root childNamed:@"????"];

// Look through <books> children of type <book>
for (SMXMLElement *book in [books childrenNamed:@"????"]) {

    // demonstrate common cases of extracting XML data
    NSString *isbn = [book attributeNamed:@"id"]; // XML attribute
    NSString *title = [book valueWithPath:@"titulo"]; // child node value

    // show off some KVC magic
    NSArray *authors = [[book childNamed:@"authors"].children valueForKey:@"value"];

    NSLog(@"Found a book!\n ISBN: %@ \n Title: %@ \n Price: %f \n", isbn, title, price);

如果有更好的 XML 解析器来解析这个文档,请告知。


2 回答 2


您可以选择TBXML Parser 。它旨在提供最快的 XML 解析,同时使用最少的资源。

于 2012-10-30T09:09:19.483 回答

正如@AppleDelegate 所说,我也使用TBXML Parser。这是我将使用的代码。您需要先导入TBXML+HTTP.h才能使用它。只需在您想要的地方调用 [self getXML],代码将完成剩下的工作。


-(void)getXML {

    NSLog(@"Getting XML");

    // Create a success block to be called when the async request completes
    TBXMLSuccessBlock successBlock = ^(TBXML *tbxmlDocument) {

        // If TBXML found a root node, process element and iterate all children
        if (tbxmlDocument.rootXMLElement)
            [self traverseElement:tbxmlDocument.rootXMLElement];


    // Create a failure block that gets called if something goes wrong
    TBXMLFailureBlock failureBlock = ^(TBXML *tbxmlDocument, NSError * error) {
        NSLog(@"Error! %@ %@", [error localizedDescription], [error userInfo]);

    // Initialize TBXML with the URL of an XML doc. TBXML asynchronously loads and parses the file.
    TBXML *tbxml = [[TBXML alloc] initWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString:@"File.xml"] 
                                      success: successBlock 
                                      failure: failureBlock];


- (void) traverseElement:(TBXMLElement *)element {

    TBXMLElement *oferta = element->firstChild;

    do {

        // Obtain first attribute from element
        TBXMLElement *element = oferta->firstChild;
        NSString *ofertaId = [NSString stringWithString: [TBXML textForElement:element]];
        NSLog(@"%@", ofertaId);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        // Nothing to do (<connector/>)

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *codigo = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", codigo);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *titulo = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", titulo);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *descricao = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", descricao);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *datas = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", datas);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *data1 = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", data1);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *data2 = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", data2);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *categoria = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", categoria);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *subcategoria = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", subcategoria);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *zona = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", zona);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *tipo = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", tipo);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *valor = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", valor);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *dias = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", dias);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        NSString *imagem = [TBXML textForElement:element];
        NSLog(@"%@", imagem);

        // Obtain the next element
        element = element->nextSibling;
        // Nothing to do (<link/>)

        // Save infos

    } while ((oferta = oferta->nextSibling));


我已经测试了代码,它似乎工作正常(运行代码,并检查控制台日志)。您需要做的就是// Save infos从我的代码更改为您可以根据需要保存所有字符串的地方。do-while 将遍历<oferta>xml 中的所有元素,并将所需的所有元素保存在单独的字符串中。然后,您可以操纵字符串来存储日期、数字和所有内容。

于 2012-10-30T09:43:26.823 回答