我有五个值,A、B、C、D 和 E。
给定约束 A + B + C + D + E = 1,以及五个函数 F(A)、F(B)、F(C)、F(D)、F(E),我需要通过E 使得 F(A) = F(B) = F(C) = F(D) = F(E)。
我有五个值,A、B、C、D 和 E。
给定约束 A + B + C + D + E = 1,以及五个函数 F(A)、F(B)、F(C)、F(D)、F(E),我需要通过E 使得 F(A) = F(B) = F(C) = F(D) = F(E)。
这个问题没有一般的答案。不存在求解任何方程的求解器。正如 Lance Roberts 已经说过的,你必须更多地了解函数。仅举几个例子
As others have already posted, we do need some more information on the functions. However, given that, we can still try to solve the following relaxation with a standard non-linear programming toolbox.
min k
A + B + C + D + E = 1
F1(A) - k = 0
F2(B) - k = 0
F3(C) -k = 0
F4(D) - k = 0
F5(E) -k = 0
Now we can solve this in any manner we wish, such as penalty method
min k + mu*sum(Fi(x_i) - k)^2
A+B+C+D+E = 1
or a straightforward SQP or interior-point method.
More details and I can help advise as to a good method.
The functions are all monotonically increasing with their argument. Beyond that, they can't be characterized. The approach that worked turned out to be:
1) Start with A = B = C = D = E = 1/5
2) Compute F1(A) through F5(E), and recalculate A through E such that each function equals that sum divided by 5 (the average).
3) Rescale the new A through E so that they all sum to 1, and recompute F1 through F5.
4) Repeat until satisfied.
It converges surprisingly fast - just a few iterations. Of course, each iteration requires 5 root finds for step 2.
A + B + C + D + E = 1
F(A) = F(B) = F(C) = F(D) = F(E)
Assuming the second equation should read F1(A) = F2(B) = F3(C) = F4(D) = F5(E), I'd use the Newton-Raphson method (see Martijn's answer). You can eliminate one variable by setting E = 1 - A - B - C - D. At every step of the iteration you need to solve a 4x4 system. The biggest problem is probably where to start the iteration. One possibility is to start at a random point, do some iterations, and if you're not getting anywhere, pick another random point and start again.
Keep in mind that if you really don't know anything about the function then there need not be a solution.
ALGENCAN(探戈的一部分)非常好。也有 Python 绑定。
http://www.ime.usp.br/~egbirgin/tango/codes.php -“完全不使用矩阵操作的一般非线性规划,因此能够以适中的计算机时间解决极大的问题。通用算法属于增广拉格朗日类型..."
Google OPTIF9 or ALLUNC. We use these for general optimization.
You could use standard search technic as the others mentioned. There are a few optimization you could make use of it while doing the search.
First of all, you only need to solve A,B,C,D because 1-E = A+B+C+D.
Second, you have F(A) = F(B) = F(C) = F(D), then you can search for A. Once you get F(A), you could solve B, C, D if that is possible. If it is not possible to solve the functions, you need to continue search each variable, but now you have a limited range to search for because A+B+C+D <= 1.
If your search is discrete and finite, the above optimizations should work reasonable well.
I would try Particle Swarm Optimization first. It is very easy to implement and tweak. See the Wiki page for it.