使用 R 或 Gnuplot 绘制如下图所示时间线的最佳且简单的方法是什么:
5000 次
3 回答
我的解决方案使用“烛台”绘图样式,该样式似乎在 X 和 Y 列输入方面是固定的。因此,必须手动旋转输出图像,但这似乎是生成从基轴“浮动”的条形的唯一选项。可能您会想要稍微调整样式,但这应该可以帮助您入门。
样本输入数据;注意我必须在第 1 列中添加任意 Y 轴(旋转 X 轴)坐标:
1 proj1 768.83 2011-05-12 2013-06-19
2 proj2 426.79 2011-06-15 2012-08-15
3 proj3 429.89 2011-06-17 2012-08-20
4 proj4 318.02 2012-01-06 2012-11-19
5 proj5 278.72 2011-11-10 2012-08-15
6 proj6 231.16 2011-11-14 2012-07-02
7 proj7 230.27 2011-11-15 2012-07-02
8 proj8 230.23 2011-11-15 2012-07-02
9 proj9 581.81 2011-11-15 2013-06-19
10 proj10 230.08 2011-11-15 2012-07-02
gnuplot 脚本:
# horizontal timelines / time bars with gnuplot ; manually rotate result image at end
# size specification controls landscape vs. portrait, this is for A4 paper size
set terminal pdf size 21cm,29.7cm
set output 'dates.pdf'
# margins get confused so set explicitly
set lmargin at screen 0.04
set bmargin at screen 0.07
set tmargin at screen 0.97
# rotation will swap Y and X axis
# input Y data as date values
set ydata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
# y coordinates now specified in time values
set yrange ['2011-03-01':'2014-01-01']
# normal Y axis labels end up on top of graph, don't want that
unset ytics
# format y2 axis for time scale, this will appear along bottom of graph
set y2data time
set format y2 "%b %Y"
set y2tics font "Courier, 8"
set y2tics rotate by 90
# y2tics 'incr' measured in seconds for y2data time, this is 4 months = 4*30*24*60*60
set y2tics '2011-05-12',10368000,'2013-12-01'
set xrange [-1:28]
set xtics font "Courier, 8"
set xtics rotate by 90 offset 0,-5 out nomirror
# cannot rotate key (dataset label), so must create manually
unset key
set label 'elapsed project time' at 0,'2013-06-15' rotate font "Courier, 8"
set object 1 rect from -0.1,'2013-11-01' to 0,'2013-12-01' fillstyle solid noborder fillcolor rgb "red"
# note duplication of date columns 4 and 5 so don't get whiskers
plot "dates4.dat" using 1:4:4:5:5:xticlabels(2) with candlesticks fillcolor rgb "red"
于 2013-11-29T14:31:52.083 回答
不确定 r,但在 gnuplot 中,您可以将轴声明为时间格式。要实现您的 y 轴示例:
set ydata time # tells gnuplot that y is a time series
set ylabel 'Submission day in August'
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d' # this should be set to the format of your date series
set format y '%d' # sets the axis labels format
除此之外,gnuplot 支持多个系列、网格和任意形状,所以你应该没问题。
于 2012-11-19T23:26:29.987 回答
使用 @robm 和 package 的示例数据vistime
proj10,230.08,2011-11-15,2012-07-02", header=F, sep=",")
data$tooltip=paste(data$V1, data$V2)
vistime(data, events="V1", start="V3", end="V4")
vistime(data, events="V2", start="V3", end="V4", groups="V1")
于 2017-02-01T22:14:18.497 回答