我已经在 Centos 6.2 上安装了 Munin,并成功配置并启动了它。唯一的问题是在 var/www/html/munin 文件夹中,我只有:
没有 index.html 或其他任何内容,因此 Munin 无法正常运行... /static 中有一些附件文件
我的 munin 节点配置是:
# Example config-file for munin-node
log_level 4
log_file /var/log/munin/munin-node.log
pid_file /var/run/munin/munin-node.pid
background 1
setsid 1
user root
group root
# Regexps for files to ignore
ignore_file [\#~]$
ignore_file DEADJOE$
ignore_file \.bak$
ignore_file %$
ignore_file \.dpkg-(tmp|new|old|dist)$
ignore_file \.rpm(save|new)$
ignore_file \.pod$
# Set this if the client doesn't report the correct hostname when
# telnetting to localhost, port 4949
host_name my.host.is
# A list of addresses that are allowed to connect. This must be a
# regular expression, since Net::Server does not understand CIDR-style
# network notation unless the perl module Net::CIDR is installed. You
# may repeat the allow line as many times as you'd like
allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$
allow my.host.is
# If you have installed the Net::CIDR perl module, you can use one or more
# cidr_allow and cidr_deny address/mask patterns. A connecting client must
# match any cidr_allow, and not match any cidr_deny. Note that a netmask
# *must* be provided, even if it's /32
# Example:
# cidr_allow
# cidr_allow
# cidr_deny
# Which address to bind to;
host *
# And which port
port 4949
/var/www/html/munin 文件夹上的所有者和组是 munin
访问 /munin url 时,apache 抛出以下错误:
Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /var/www/html/munin/