I need a forecasting model that will use time series as well as seasonality. Example, to predict Feb 2013 data, I will use Jan 2013 data and Feb 2012 data.

I was trying to assess TripleExponentialSmoothing and SVM (as used in the Weka forecasting library). However, with limited statistical prowess, I am not sure what(and probably how) to leverage.

I need this as a part of an enterprise Java application. Is there a Java library that I could use?


2 回答 2


看看Encog with Time Series Predication

一旦你通过 Encog 了解了时间序列预测的概念,使用 weka 和 SVM 将是一回事。

于 2013-01-30T15:01:06.327 回答

也许WEKA不是这些东西的最佳工具。您可以R通过以下Java方式使用:http JRI: //stats.math.uni-augsburg.de/JRI/

这是一个关于时间序列分析的小而快的教程Rhttp ://www.simafore.com/blog/bid/105815/Time-series-analysis-using-R-for-cost-forecasting-models-in- 8步

于 2013-01-30T12:40:10.960 回答