Good morning,

Recently I've been watching the YouTube API and have not found any information about the collection of data from a youtube account.

I have a Youtube channel and would like more information about users who subscribe to it, I also have a website where users are registered and need to know if the user is registered follower of my Youtube channel, I can only guess identify the user by email. So my question is whether it is possible by Youtube API or any other method of identifying this person and know if follower.

Thank you very much in advance.


1 回答 1


我认为使用 Youtube API V3 中的活动列表,您可以获得频道中特定用户的活动,为登录的用户指定“channelId”参数和“mine”参数。


如果活动列表将视频作为项目返回,您可以从视频片段中获取频道 ID


对于此解决方案,用户必须经过身份验证并授予应用程序访问其在 youtube 中的数据的权限

于 2012-10-16T03:36:27.940 回答