;我创建了这个程序(Intel 8086 Assembly)来读取字符并存储它们并在将它们转换为大写字母后以相反的顺序打印它们。我知道您可以使用 (sub AL, 20h) 转换为大写;但是如何放置条件(IF)循环?
org 100h
mov BX, 0800h
mov DS, BX ;Set segment register
mov BX, 0000h ;Set offset register
mov CX, 0 ;Set counter to 0
;mov CH, 0
readwrite: ;Top of read/write loop
mov AH, 01h ;Get ready to read a character
int 21h ;Read character into AL
;jb readwrite
mov [BX], AL ;Move AL into memory at DS:BX
add CX, 1 ;Increment Counter
add BX, 1 ;Increment offset
cmp AL, '$' ;Compare entered to $
jg readwrite ;if (C > 0) loop
;Reverse Printing
mov BX, 0800h
mov DS, BX ;Set segment register
mov BX, 0000h ;Set offset register
add BX, CX
sub BX, 2
mov AH, 0eh
mov AL, 010 ;NL
int 10h
mov AL, 013 ;CR
int 10h
mov AL, [BX]
int 10h
sub BX, 1
sub CX, 1
cmp CX, 1
jg revprinting