你检查过 Liferay Wiki:Configure time zone and locale。
两台机器可能存在本地化不匹配。因此,对于一台机器,“en_GB”会自动附加到 URL。
该问题可以通过在 portal-ext.properties 中设置一个属性来解决
locale.prepend.friendly.url.style=0 (by default it is set to 1).
# Set this to 0 if the locale is not automatically prepended to a URL. This
# means that each URL could potentially point to many different languages.
# For example, the URL http://localhost:8080/web/guest/home could then be
# viewed by users in many different languages.
# Set this to 1 if the locale is automatically prepended to a URL when the
# requested locale is not the default locale. This means that each URL
# points to just one language. For example, the URL
# http://localhost:8080/web/guest/home would point to the default language.
# The URL http://localhost:8080/zh/web/guest/home and
# http://localhost:8080/zh_CN/web/guest/home would both point to the Chinese
# language.
# In cases where the prepended locale is "zh" and not complete locale
# "zh_CN", then the full locale returned will be based on the order in which
# the locales appear in the property "locales". If "zh_CN" appears before
# "zh_TW", then "zh" will be a short hand for "zh_TW".
# The default language is set in system.properties with the properties
# "user.country" and "user.language".
# Set this to 2 if the locale is automatically prepended to every URL. This
# means that each URL points to just one language.
# Note that each language requires an entry in the property "locales" and a
# servlet mapping in web.xml for the I18n Servlet.