我有以下 10 折实现,我正在使用UCI 机器学习发布的数据集,这是数据集的链接:
Here are my dimensions
x =
data: [178x13 double]
labels: [178x1 double]
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in GetTenFold (line 33)
results_cell{i,2} = shuffledMatrix(testRows ,:);
%Function that accept data file as a name and the number of folds
%For the cross fold
function [results_cell] = GetTenFold(dataFile, x)
%loading the data file
dataMatrix = load(dataFile);
%combine the data and labels as one matrix
X = [dataMatrix.data dataMatrix.labels];
%geting the length of the of matrix
dataRowNumber = length(dataMatrix.data);
%shuffle the matrix while keeping rows intact
shuffledMatrix = X(randperm(size(X,1)),:);
crossValidationFolds = x;
%Assinging number of rows per fold
numberOfRowsPerFold = dataRowNumber / crossValidationFolds;
crossValidationTrainData = [];
crossValidationTestData = [];
%Assigning 10X2 cell to hold each fold as training and test data
results_cell = cell(10,2);
%starting from the first row and segment it based on folds
i = 1;
for startOfRow = 1:numberOfRowsPerFold:dataRowNumber
testRows = startOfRow:startOfRow+numberOfRowsPerFold-1;
if (startOfRow == 1)
trainRows = (max(testRows)+1:dataRowNumber);
trainRows = [1:startOfRow-1 max(testRows)+1:dataRowNumber];
i = i + 1;
%for i=1:10
results_cell{i,1} = shuffledMatrix(trainRows ,:);
results_cell{i,2} = shuffledMatrix(testRows ,:); %This is where I am getting my dimension error
%crossValidationTrainData = [crossValidationTrainData ; shuffledMatrix(trainRows ,:)];
%crossValidationTestData = [crossValidationTestData ;shuffledMatrix(testRows ,:)];