我正在 Lua 中实现 Bentley-Ottmann 算法,以使用位于此处的伪代码查找多边形中的交叉点。


local function getPolygonIntersectingVertices( poly )
  -- initializing and sorting X
  local X = {}
  for i = 1, table.getn( poly ) do
    if i == 1 then
      table.insert( X, { x = poly[i].x, y = poly[i].y, endpoint = 'left' } )
    elseif i == table.getn( poly ) then
      table.insert( X, { x = poly[i].x, y = poly[i].y, endpoint = 'right' } )
      table.insert( X, { x = poly[i].x, y = poly[i].y, endpoint = 'right' })
      table.insert( X, { x = poly[i].x, y = poly[i].y, endpoint = 'left' })

  local sortxy = function( a, b )
    if a.x < b.x then return true
    elseif a.x > b.x then return false
    elseif a.y <= b.y then return true
    else return false end
  table.sort( X, sortxy )

  -- Main loop
  local SL = {}
  local L = {}
  local E
  local i = 1
  while next(X) ~= nil do
    E = { x = X[i].x, y = X[i].y, endpoint = X[i].endpoint }
    if E.endpoint == 'left' then
      -- left endpoint code here
    elseif E.endpoint == 'right' then
      -- right endpoint code here
    table.remove( X, i )

  return L

我的多边形是使用这种结构的表: { { x = 1, y = 3 }, { x = 5, y = 6 }, ... }

如何确定“ SL 中 segE 上方的线段; ”和“ SL 中 segE 下方的线段; ”以及如果扫描线 ( SL ) 为空怎么办?此外,当将 I 插入 X 时,我是否应该用endpoint = 'intersect'标记它并将其附加到末尾,以便当循环到达这部分时进入主循环的“else”语句,或者我已经得到了整个算法错误的?

如果有人可以向我展示一个带有 Python、Ruby 等简单实现的链接,那将是完美的,因为我发现很难遵循伪代码并将其与 C++ 示例相匹配。


1 回答 1


Your reference link fails from my location. I will reference the Wikipedia article, which is reasonably good.

How do I determine "the segment above segE in SL;" and "the segment below segE in SL;"

The algorithm requires a BST for current scan line intersections sorted on a key of y, i.e. in order vertically. So the segment above is the BST successor and the one below is the BST predecessor. Finding the predecessor and successor of a given node in a BST is standard stuff. The predecessor of key K is the rightmost node left of K. The successor is the leftmost node right of K. There are several ways of computing these. The simplest is to use parent pointers to walk back up and then down the tree from K. A stack-based iterator is another.

what to do if the sweep line (SL) is empty?

Keep processing the event queue. An empty sweep line just means no segments are crossing at its current x location.

Also when inserting I into X, should I mark it with endpoint = 'intersect' and append it to the end ...?

The event queue must remain sorted on the x-coordinate of points. When you insert an intersection it must be in x-coordinate order, too. It must be marked as an intersection because intersections are processed differently from endpoints. It will be processed in due course when it's the first remaining item in x order.

Note that Bentley Ottman - just as nearly all geometric algorithms - is notoriously subject to horrendous failures due to floating point inaccuracy. Also, the algorithm is normally given with a "general position" assumption, which lets out all the nasty cases of vertical edges, point-edge coincidence, edge-edge overlaps, etc. My strongest recommendation is to use rational arithmetic. Even then, getting a fully robust, correct implementation is a significant achievement. You can tell this by the very small number of free implementations!

于 2013-01-25T00:02:47.323 回答