extension of: recursing a dictionary of lists of dictionaries, etc et al (python)

I'm working with a nested dictionary structure of 4 levels, I'm trying to iterate of the entire nested dictionary and give each individual dictionary an identification number(as a precursor to building a tree of the items and being able tell which item node is parent, which children a node has etc.)

I have this function:

def r(y):
    cnt = 1
    def recurse(y, count):
        for i in y.iteritems():
            i['id'] = count
            for k,v in y.iteritems():
                if isinstance(v, list):
                    [recurse(i, count) for i in v]
    recurse(y, cnt)
    return y

I put in my nested dictionary of lists of dictionaries,

and I get a mess, i.e. doesn't work like I thought it would.

{'sections': [{'id': 11, 'info': 'This is section ONE', 'tag': 's1'},
              {'fields': [{'id': 15,
                           'info': 'This is field ONE',
                           'tag': 'f1'},
                          {'elements': [{'id': 20,
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e1',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': 20,
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e2',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': 20,
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e3',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': 20,
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e4',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'}],
                           'id': 16,
                           'info': 'This is field TWO',
                           'tag': 'f2'},
                          {'elements': [{'id': 20,
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e5',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': 20,
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e6',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': 20,
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e7',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': 20,
                                         'info': 'This is element ONE',
                                         'tag': 'e8',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'}],
                           'id': 16,
                           'info': 'This is field THREE',
                           'tag': 'f3'}],
               'id': 12,
               'info': 'This is section TWO',
               'tag': 's2'},
              {'fields': [{'id': 15,
                           'info': 'This is field FOUR',
                           'tag': 'f4'},
                          {'id': 15,
                           'info': 'This is field FIVE',
                           'tag': 'f5'},
                          {'id': 15,
                           'info': 'This is field SIX',
                           'tag': 'f6'}],
               'id': 12,
               'info': 'This is section THREE',
               'tag': 's3'}],
 'tag': 'test'}

What I want to happen is that all items in level one are numbered, then all items in level two are numbered, then the third level, then the fourth. In this case the main item should be given an id of 1, then the sections be identified as 2,3,4 then fields as 5 on, then elements, etc. Looking back on this after sleeping on it I can see it as a start, but quite wrong.

EDIT: What I really need to do is create a tree of parent/child nodes from a nested dictionary structure so that I can iterate/insert/get/work with as needed the items from this tree. Is there a quick way to do that? I seem to be doing more work than I anticipated.

EDIT2: I found a solution to my original question. I just decided to use the in built id() function instead of an extra step of adding an id, and was able to create the minimal tree I needed, but this is still useful an exercise.


4 回答 4



Index  Tag     Parent  Children        Info
0      test    -1      [s1,s2,s3]      ""
1      s1      0       []              "This is section ONE"
2      s2      0       [f1,f2,f3]      "This is section TWO"
3      f1      2       []              "This is field ONE"
4      f2      2       [e1,e2,e3,e4]   "This is field TWO"
5      e1      4       []              "This is element"
6      e2      4       []              "This is element"


您可以通过递归遍历树来构建表,但通过使用平面表(列表的 2D 列表)中的行来引用它们可能更容易处理树中的项目。



def recurse(y, n=[], p=-1):
    node = ["", p, [], "", ""]   # tag, parent, children, type, info
    vv = []
    for k,v in y.items():
        if k == "tag":
            node[0] = v
        elif k == "info":
            node[4] = v
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            node[3] = k
            vv = v
    p = len(n)-1
    for i in vv:
        n = recurse(i, n, p)

nodes = recurse(a)
for i in range(len(nodes)):
    print(i, nodes[i])


 0 ['test', -1, [1, 2, 14],     'sections',   '']
 1 [  's1',  0, [],             '',           'This is section ONE']
 2 [  's2',  0, [3, 4, 9],      'fields',     'This is section TWO']
 3 [  'f1',  2, [],             '',           'This is field ONE']
 4 [  'f2',  2, [5, 6, 7, 8],   'elements',   'This is field TWO']
 5 [  'e1',  4, [],             '',           'This is element']
 6 [  'e2',  4, [],             '',           'This is element']
 7 [  'e3',  4, [],             '',           'This is element']
 8 [  'e4',  4, [],             '',           'This is element']
 9 [  'f3',  2, [10, 11, 12, 13], 'elements', 'This is field THREE']
10 [  'e5',  9, [],             '',           'This is element']
11 [  'e6',  9, [],             '',           'This is element']
12 [  'e7',  9, [],             '',           'This is element']
13 [  'e8',  9, [],             '',           'This is element ONE']
14 [  's3',  0, [15, 16, 17],   'fields',     'This is section THREE']
15 [  'f4', 14, [],             '',           'This is field FOUR']
16 [  'f5', 14, [],             '',           'This is field FIVE']
17 [  'f6', 14, [],             '',           'This is field SIX']
于 2012-09-26T17:13:57.773 回答

您会得到重复的 id,因为您的count变量是本地的,一旦recurse函数退出,对它的任何更改都会丢失。你可以通过声明一个全局变量来绕过它,但由于你没有使用 的返回值recurse,你可以使用它来代替:

def r(y):
    def recurse(y, count):
        y['id'] = count
        count += 1
        for k,v in y.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, list):
                for i in v:
                    count = recurse(i, count)
        return count
    recurse(y, 1)
    return y

编辑:刚刚意识到你正在寻找一个广度优先的 id 分配......这不会实现这一点,但我会留下答案,因为它可能有助于你开始。

于 2012-09-26T13:26:53.600 回答


from itertools import count
def r(y):
    counter = count()
    def recurse(y, counter):
        for i in y.iteritems():
            i['id'] = next(counter)
            for k,v in y.iteritems():
                if isinstance(v, list):
                    [recurse(i, counter) for i in v]
    recurse(y, counter)
    return y

itertools.count() 将创建一个生成器,每次调用 next() 时都会返回下一个整数。您可以将它传递给递归函数,并确保不会创建重复的 id。

于 2012-09-26T16:38:16.310 回答

好吧,我有一个使用深度和父级来设置 ID 的解决方案:

>>> def decorate_tree(tree, parent=None, index=None):
    global ID
    if type(tree) == type({}):
        if parent is None:
            parent = '1'
            tree['id'] = parent
            tree['id'] = '{0}.{1}'.format(parent, index)
        if 'info' in tree:
            print tree['info'], '=>', tree['id']
        child_index = 1
        for key in tree:
            if type(tree[key]) == type([]):
                for item in tree[key]:
                    decorate_tree(item, tree['id'], child_index)
                    child_index += 1

>>> decorate_tree(d)
This is section ONE => 1.1
This is section TWO => 1.2
This is field ONE => 1.2.1
This is field TWO => 1.2.2
This is element =>
This is element =>
This is element =>
This is element =>
This is field THREE => 1.2.3
This is element =>
This is element =>
This is element =>
This is element ONE =>
This is section THREE => 1.3
This is field FOUR => 1.3.1
This is field FIVE => 1.3.2
This is field SIX => 1.3.3
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(d)
{'id': '1',
 'sections': [{'id': '1.1', 'info': 'This is section ONE', 'tag': 's1'},
              {'fields': [{'id': '1.2.1',
                           'info': 'This is field ONE',
                           'tag': 'f1'},
                          {'elements': [{'id': '',
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e1',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': '',
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e2',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': '',
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e3',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': '',
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e4',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'}],
                           'id': '1.2.2',
                           'info': 'This is field TWO',
                           'tag': 'f2'},
                          {'elements': [{'id': '',
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e5',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': '',
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e6',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': '',
                                         'info': 'This is element',
                                         'tag': 'e7',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'},
                                        {'id': '',
                                         'info': 'This is element ONE',
                                         'tag': 'e8',
                                         'type_of': 'text_field'}],
                           'id': '1.2.3',
                           'info': 'This is field THREE',
                           'tag': 'f3'}],
               'id': '1.2',
               'info': 'This is section TWO',
               'tag': 's2'},
              {'fields': [{'id': '1.3.1',
                           'info': 'This is field FOUR',
                           'tag': 'f4'},
                          {'id': '1.3.2',
                           'info': 'This is field FIVE',
                           'tag': 'f5'},
                          {'id': '1.3.3',
                           'info': 'This is field SIX',
                           'tag': 'f6'}],
               'id': '1.3',
               'info': 'This is section THREE',
               'tag': 's3'}],
 'tag': 'test',
 'type_of': 'custom'}

所以 ID 1.3.4 的父级是 ID 1.3,兄弟级是 ID 1.3.x,子级是 1.3.4.x ......这样检索和插入应该不会太难(移位索引)。

于 2012-09-26T15:51:46.740 回答