


sw $t7,0($s0)
addi $s0,$s0,4




n1:     .asciiz "\n"                        #ASCII for a new line

        .align 2                            

name:   .asciiz "Fibonacci\n\n\n"               #Lab Title and Student Name
        .align 2

msg1:   .asciiz "Fibonacci result " #note the space
        .align 2                            

msg2:   .asciiz " is "                      #note the space
        .align 2

**array:  .space 20                     #define the array**

        .text                               #
        .globl  main                        #declare main to be global


        la  $a0,name                        #load the ram address of "name" into $a0
        li  $v0,4                           #system call, type 4, print a string, $a0
        syscall                             #call the "OS" to perform operation

        li  $t2,0                           # $t2 :=0; initial value of F(n-2)
        li  $t1,1                           # $t1 :=1; initial value of F(n-1)

        li  $t4,0                           #index, n.

                                            #loop is a local Variable
        li  $t5,11                      #loading immediate preset value for $t5 

        **la $t7,array                      #load address (array) into $t7**

loop:   addu    $t0,$t1,$t2                 # F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)

        **#Only print the last 5 numbers**
        sub $t3,$t5,$t4
        li $t6,5
        bgt $t3,$t6,Printl

        la $a0,msg1                         # $a0 := address of message 1
        li $v0,4                            #system call, type 4, print a string
        syscall                             #call the "OS"

        move    $a0,$t4                     # $t4 contains the current value of n
        li  $v0,1                           #system call, type 1, print an integer $a0
        syscall                             #call the "OS"

        la $a0,msg2                         # $a0:=address of "msg2"
        li $v0,4                            #system call, type 4, print a string
        syscall                             #call the "OS"

        move    $a0,$t0                     # $a0 :=$t0, which is F(n)
        li  $v0,1                           #system call, type 1, print an integer $a0
        syscall                             #call the "OS"

        **sw $s0, 4($t7)**

        la  $a0,n1                          # $a0 := address of "n1"
        li  $v0,4                           #system call, type 4, print a string
        syscall                             #call the "OS"

        addi    $t4,1                       # $t4 := $t4 + 1; increment n
        move    $t2,$t1                     # $t2 := $t1; old F(n-2) because old F(n-1)
        move    $t1,$t0                     # $t1 := $t0; old F(n-2) because old F(n)

        beq     $t5,$t4,Exit            #Conditional Check | exit

        j       loop                        # branch unconditionally to loop ($t3 != 0)

        la $a0,n1                           # $a0 := address of message 1
        li $v0,4                            #system call, type 4, print a string
        syscall                             #call the "OS"

        #la $t7,array
        #li $v0,1
        #sw $s0, 4($t7)

        li      $v0,10                      #system call, type 10, standard exit
        syscall                             #call the "OS"

        addi $t4,1
        move $t2,$t1
        j loop

1 回答 1


不确定你是否还在这里。:) 但是,如果你是,并且在两个学期后你仍然在偶然地做 MIPS,那么这里的东西可能会有所帮助。

您已经注意到sw $s0, 4($t7)将把 $s0 的内容写入 ($t7 + 4) 指向的地址。由于 $t7 的值永远不会改变,您将不断地将 $s0 的内容一遍又一遍地写入同一个地址。

如果要将 $s0 的内容存储到从 开始的连续单词中array,则需要初始化指针,对它做你想做的事情,然后递增它。

la $t7,array
# do something to set $s0
sw $s0, 0($t7)
# do something to break out of loop if condition is met
addi $t7, 4
j loop

不要忘记您已定义array为 20个字节- 这只是 5 个字。

于 2013-10-17T19:37:06.190 回答