如果您不为注释提供外观流,那么您完全依赖于 PDF 使用者选择为其绘制的任何内容。那可能没什么。
但是,PDF 1.7 参考手册在“Rubber Stamp Annotations”下说(第 635 页):
Name name (Optional) The name of an icon to be used in displaying the annotation. Viewer applications should provide predefined icon appearances for at least the following standard names:
Approved Experimental NotApproved
AsIs Expired NotForPublicRelease
Confidential Final Sold
Departmental ForComment TopSecret
Draft ForPublicRelease
Additional names may be supported as well. Default value: Draft.
Note: The annotation dictionary’s AP entry, if present, takes precedence over the Name entry; see Table 8.15 on page 606 and Section 8.4.4, “Appearance Streams.”
所以是的,您应该能够成功地将“草稿”用作注释而不提供外观流,并且您可以使用所需的“矩形”条目将其居中放置在页面上。我不太确定让它旋转 45 度,但注释没有 Matrix 条目,所以我不相信你可以在不指定外观流的情况下可靠地做到这一点。