I have the Dates 01/01/2012 ,01/05/2012, 01/06/2012 and many more i want to fill these dates in These Dates are coming from server i need to parse these date and fill the Date Array
List <Date[]>

i can give u static data it should be filled like this

dates.add(new Date[12]);
dates.get(i)[0] = new Date(108, 9,1);
dates.get(i)[1] = new Date(108, 9, 8);
dates.get(i)[2] = new Date(108, 9, 15);
dates.get(i)[3] = new Date(108, 9, 22);
dates.get(i)[4] = new Date(108, 9, 29);

how Can i do That What i have done is

arrXaxis= new ArrayList<Date[]>();// Defining Array

At the Time of Parsing

Integer intCount=p2.getPropertyCount(); /// from Server 

They are coming in a form of String

arrXaxis.add(new Date[intCount]);
arrXaxis.add(new Date(o.getProperty("Month").toString()));

It is giving me Error

Your help would be greatful Thanks in advance.


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