# naive datetime
d = datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 5, 16, 43, 45)
utc = pytz.UTC # UTC timezone
pst = pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles') # LA timezone
# Convert to UTC timezone aware datetime
d = utc.localize(d)
>>> datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 5, 16, 43, 45, tzinfo=<UTC>)
# show as in LA time zone (not converting here)
>>> datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 5, 9, 43, 45,
tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Los_Angeles' PDT-1 day, 17:00:00 DST>)
# we get Pacific Daylight Time: PDT
# add 1 day to UTC date
d = d + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
>>> datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 6, 16, 43, 45, tzinfo=<UTC>)
d.astimezone(pst) # now cast to LA time zone
>>> datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 6, 8, 43, 45,
tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Los_Angeles' PST-1 day, 16:00:00 STD>)
# Daylight saving is applied -> we get Pacific Standard Time PST
# naive datetime
d = datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 5, 16, 43, 45)
utc = pytz.UTC # UTC timezone
pst = pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles') # LA timezone
# convert to UTC timezone aware datetime
d = utc.localize(d)
>>> datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 5, 16, 43, 45, tzinfo=<UTC>)
# convert to 'America/Los_Angeles' timezone: DON'T DO THIS
d = d.astimezone(pst)
>>> datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 5, 9, 43, 45,
tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Los_Angeles' PDT-1 day, 17:00:00 DST>)
# we are in Pacific Daylight Time PDT
# add 1 day to LA local date: DON'T DO THAT
d = d + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
>>> datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 6, 9, 43, 45,
tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Los_Angeles' PDT-1 day, 17:00:00 DST>)
# Daylight Saving is NOT respected, we are still in PDT time, not PST
总是在 UTC 时区加/减你的时间。转换为本地时间仅用于输出/显示。