I have to create an algorithm that gets the most popular users of my site. I don't really know how to start. I have to take in consideration : - number of follower - number of comment / topic posted - number of positive vote received by the user - number of group membership
I tried something like this :
This give me the list of userProfile ordered by the most topic but I don't know how to combine all of them.
comment / topic / group / likeComment are table that have a foreign key to the user. Follower / Following is a ManyToManyField through a table named relationship.
Any help would be much appreciated
So far that's where I am :
topUsers = UserProfile.objects.annotate(num_topic=Count('topic', distinct=True)).annotate(num_comment=Count('comment', distinct=True))
for user in topUsers:
user.positive_votes = LikeComment.objects.filter(Q(type = 1), Q(comment__user=user) | Q(topic__user=user) ).count()
user.negaive_votes = LikeComment.objects.filter(Q(type = 0), Q(comment__user=user) | Q(topic__user=user) ).count()
user.num_group = GroupUser.objects.filter(user = user, status=1).count()
user.num_followers = user.related_to.filter(from_people__status=1, from_people__to_person=user).count()
user.num_followings = user.relationships.filter(to_people__status=1, to_people__from_person=user).count()
But when I do
it doesn't order them.
I tried to use extra fields but I got lost in my sql ...