亲爱的 stackoverflow 用户,

几年前,我用了几个月的数学。在几年没有编程之后,我现在做一个研究项目,作为一名学生,我在其中使用 Matlab。我在 stackoverflow 上找到了很多很好的帮助,但现在我遇到了以下问题:

我有一个矩形网格上节点之间的连接数据集,每个节点都有可能连接到它的 8 个邻居。我的测量采用 3 x n 矩阵的形式,其中前两个值指定一个节点,第三个值指定它们是否连接,网格的大小是预先确定的。通常有大约十条线来自两个或三个至少彼此相邻的节点。我的研究项目的目标是计算这组线周围距离 r 处的面积。

到目前为止,我已经能够使用下面的代码绘制线条,为此我在 stackoverflow 上使用了一些代码,这非常有用。但是,我无法在一定距离处获得围绕它的等高线(我希望用它来计算该等高线内的面积)。gplot 函数返回两个向量,每行有两个坐标,我发现很难将其转换为更有用的东西。我尝试在与线的距离处定义一个值 Z,以随着与线的距离而下降,因此我得到了来自这些线的斜率。从这个斜率我可以计算轮廓线。但是,因为这些线只是坐标,我不知道如何计算到那条线的距离,而不是它们何时成为函数。


到目前为止,xls 文件是我上面提到的 3 x n 矩阵,我还在下面的代码中以矩阵形式写了它的内容,所以我的问题更容易理解:

%# here i set my data/constants

filename='random.xls'; file=xlsread(filename); y=width; x=length; 

%# random.xls looks approximately like this, after xlsread(filename) you get

file=[21    22  1;
21  20  1;
15  16  1;
15  14  1;
15  23  1;
14  22  1;
14  21  1;
22  15  1;
23  14  1;
24  15  1;
6   15  1;
5   14  1;
7   14  1;
8   15  1];

%# predefined width and length, i usually get this from the file

width=8; length=4;

%# here i create my adjaceny matrix in a elegant way user amro posted on stackoverflow
%# however i immediately multiply it by 0, creating a y*x by y*x matrix with all zeroes

[X Y] = meshgrid(1:x,1:y); X = X(:); Y = Y(:); 
adjacency = squareform( pdist([X Y], 'chebychev') == 1 ); adjacency=adjacency*0;

%# here i take the matrix "file" for which the first two values are node numbers and 
%# the third value designates whether there is a connection between the two nodes to
%# fill in the connections in the adjacencymatrix

for r = 1:nrows
      if file(r,3)==1

%# plots the adjacencymatrix

subplot(121), spy(adjacency)

%# plots the connections and designates the nodes, note that the numbers designating
%# the nodes do not match original data, this is a separate problem i have not solved

[xx yy] = gplot(adjacency, [X Y]);
subplot(122), plot(xx, yy, 'ks-', 'MarkerFaceColor','b')

%# these last lines of code for plotting the numbers of the grid i do not fully
%# understand, in here is the cause for the numbers not matching the original data

axis([0 x+1 0 y+1])
[X Y] = meshgrid(1:x,1:y);
X = reshape(X',[],1) + 0.1; Y = reshape(Y',[],1) + 0.1;
text(X, Y(end:-1:1), cellstr(num2str((1:x*y)')) )

为了澄清我的问题,我添加了这两张图片:当前情节http://imgur.com/5uPd4 我想知道的区域http://imgur.com/WsIbg


1 回答 1


在 Matlab 中找到距离 r 的等值线或等高线内的表面积的解决方案,通过图形处理(扩张)进行近似,而不是精确或有效的遮阳篷!


%# constants and variables
minx = min(xx);
miny = min(yy);
maxx = max(xx);
maxy = max(yy);
rangex = maxx - minx;
rangey = maxy - miny;
borderRelNum = sqrt(2);
electrodeToImageScaleFactor = 100;
imsizex = 2*(maxx+borderRelNum)*electrodeToImageScaleFactor+2;
imsizey = 2*(maxy+borderRelNum)*electrodeToImageScaleFactor+2;
im = zeros(imsizex, imsizey);
grayscalevalue = 255;
disksize = round(borderRelNum*electrodeToImageScaleFactor);

%# transformation matrices
centerElectrodeSpace = [1, 0, -(minx + maxx) / 2;
                0, 1, -(miny + maxy) / 2;
                0, 0, 1 ];

scaleElectrodeToImage = [electrodeToImageScaleFactor , 0, 0;
             0, electrodeToImageScaleFactor , 0;
             0, 0, 1 ];

centerImageSpace = [ 1, 0, imsizex / 2;
             0, 1, imsizey / 2;
             0, 0, 1 ];

electrodeToImage = centerImageSpace * scaleElectrodeToImage * centerElectrodeSpace;

%# transformation

for i = 0:(size(xx,1) / 3 - 1) 
    p1 = [xx(i*3 + 1); yy(i*3 + 1); 1];
    p2 = [xx(i*3 + 2); yy(i*3 + 2); 1];     

    p1im = electrodeToImage * p1
    p2im = electrodeToImage * p2

    lx = linspace( min( p1im(1), p2im(1) ), max( p1im(1), p2im(1) ), borderRelNum*electrodeToImageScaleFactor )
    ly = linspace( min( p1im(2), p2im(2) ), max( p1im(2), p2im(2) ), borderRelNum*electrodeToImageScaleFactor )

    index = sub2ind(size(im),round(lx),round(ly));
    im(index) = grayscalevalue;     

%# Now dilate and count pixels
    se = strel('disk', disksize, 0);
im = imdilate(im, se);


-edit- 好的,这确实是非常低效的,我的电脑已经在我的数据集(10 个 xls 文件,不是那么多)上处理数字 30 分钟,并且仍然在文件 1 中,如果我查看工作区值的话

于 2012-08-27T22:32:24.883 回答