C# 的一个鲜为人知的特性是创建隐式或显式用户定义类型转换的可能性。我已经编写 C# 代码 6 年了,但我从未使用过它。所以,我担心我可能会错过好机会。







  • 弧度/度/双
  • 极地/Point2D
  • 开尔文/华氏度/摄氏度



6 回答 6




public enum TemperatureScale { Kelvin, Farenheit, Celsius }

public struct Temperature {

  private TemperatureScale _scale;
  private double _temp;

  public Temperature(double temp, TemperatureScale scale) {
    _scale = scale;
    _temp = temp;

  public static implicit operator Temperature(double temp) {
    return new Temperature(temp, TemperatureScale.Kelvin);


使用隐式运算符,您可以将 double 分配给温度变量,它将自动用作 Kelvin:

Temperature a = new Temperature(100, TemperatureScale.Celcius);
Temperature b = 373.15; // Kelvin is default
于 2012-08-26T01:28:24.027 回答

正如评论中提到的,度数和旋转是避免混淆双精度值的一个很好的例子,尤其是在 API 之间。



/// <summary>
/// Defines an angle in Radians
/// </summary>
public struct Radians
    public static readonly Radians ZERO_PI = 0;
    public static readonly Radians ONE_PI = System.Math.PI;
    public static readonly Radians TWO_PI = ONE_PI * 2;
    public static readonly Radians HALF_PI = ONE_PI * 0.5;
    public static readonly Radians QUARTER_PI = ONE_PI * 0.25;
    #region Public Members

    /// <summary>
    /// Angle value
    /// </summary>
    public double Value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the Cosine of the angle
    /// </summary>
    public double Cos
            return System.Math.Cos(this);
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the Sine of the angle
    /// </summary>
    public double Sin
            return System.Math.Sin(this);


    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value">angle value in radians</param>
    public Radians(double value)
        this.Value = value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the angle in degrees
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns the angle in degrees</returns>
    public Degrees GetDegrees()
        return this;

    public Radians Reduce()
        double radian = this.Value;
        bool IsNegative = radian < 0;
        radian = System.Math.Abs(radian);
        while (radian >= System.Math.PI * 2)
            radian -= System.Math.PI * 2;
        if (IsNegative && radian != 0)
            radian = System.Math.PI * 2 - radian;
        return radian;

    #region operator overloading

    /// <summary>
    /// Conversion of Degrees to Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="deg"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static implicit operator Radians(Degrees deg)
        return new Radians(deg.Value * System.Math.PI / 180);
    /// <summary>
    /// Conversion of integer to Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static implicit operator Radians(int i)
        return new Radians((double)i);
    /// <summary>
    /// Conversion of float to Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="f"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static implicit operator Radians(float f)
        return new Radians((double)f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Conversion of double to Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dbl"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static implicit operator Radians(double dbl)
        return new Radians(dbl);
    /// <summary>
    /// Conversion of Radians to double
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rad"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static implicit operator double(Radians rad)
        return rad.Value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Add Radians and a double
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rad"></param>
    /// <param name="dbl"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Radians operator +(Radians rad, double dbl)
        return new Radians(rad.Value + dbl);
    /// <summary>
    /// Add Radians to Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rad1"></param>
    /// <param name="rad2"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Radians operator +(Radians rad1, Radians rad2)
        return new Radians(rad1.Value + rad2.Value);
    /// <summary>
    /// Add Radians and Degrees
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rad"></param>
    /// <param name="deg"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Radians operator +(Radians rad, Degrees deg)
        return new Radians(rad.Value + deg.GetRadians().Value);
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets Radians value negative
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rad"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Radians operator -(Radians rad)
        return new Radians(-rad.Value);
    /// <summary>
    /// Subtracts a double from Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rad"></param>
    /// <param name="dbl"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Radians operator -(Radians rad, double dbl)
        return new Radians(rad.Value - dbl);
    /// <summary>
    /// Subtracts Radians from Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rad1"></param>
    /// <param name="rad2"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Radians operator -(Radians rad1, Radians rad2)
        return new Radians(rad1.Value - rad2.Value);
    /// <summary>
    /// Subtracts Degrees from Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rad"></param>
    /// <param name="deg"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Radians operator -(Radians rad, Degrees deg)
        return new Radians(rad.Value - deg.GetRadians().Value);


    public override string ToString()
        return String.Format("{0}", this.Value);

    public static Radians Convert(object value)
        if (value is Radians)
            return (Radians)value;
        if (value is Degrees)
            return (Degrees)value;

        return System.Convert.ToDouble(value);


public struct Degrees
    public double Value;       

    public Degrees(double value) { this.Value = value; }

    public Radians GetRadians()
        return this;

    public Degrees Reduce()
        return this.GetRadians().Reduce();

    public double Cos
            return System.Math.Cos(this.GetRadians());

    public double Sin
            return System.Math.Sin(this.GetRadians());

    #region operator overloading

    public static implicit operator Degrees(Radians rad)
        return new Degrees(rad.Value * 180 / System.Math.PI);

    public static implicit operator Degrees(int i)
        return new Degrees((double)i);

    public static implicit operator Degrees(float f)
        return new Degrees((double)f);

    public static implicit operator Degrees(double d)
        return new Degrees(d);

    public static implicit operator double(Degrees deg)
        return deg.Value;

    public static Degrees operator +(Degrees deg, int i)
        return new Degrees(deg.Value + i);

    public static Degrees operator +(Degrees deg, double dbl)
        return new Degrees(deg.Value + dbl);

    public static Degrees operator +(Degrees deg1, Degrees deg2)
        return new Degrees(deg1.Value + deg2.Value);

    public static Degrees operator +(Degrees deg, Radians rad)
        return new Degrees(deg.Value + rad.GetDegrees().Value);

    public static Degrees operator -(Degrees deg)
        return new Degrees(-deg.Value);

    public static Degrees operator -(Degrees deg, int i)
        return new Degrees(deg.Value - i);

    public static Degrees operator -(Degrees deg, double dbl)
        return new Degrees(deg.Value - dbl);

    public static Degrees operator -(Degrees deg1, Degrees deg2)
        return new Degrees(deg1.Value - deg2.Value);

    public static Degrees operator -(Degrees deg, Radians rad)
        return new Degrees(deg.Value - rad.GetDegrees().Value);


    public override string ToString()
        return String.Format("{0}", this.Value);

    public static Degrees Convert(object value)
        if (value is Degrees)
            return (Degrees)value;
        if (value is Radians)
            return (Radians)value;

        return System.Convert.ToDouble(value);


这些在使用 API 时确实受益匪浅。虽然在内部,您的组织可能会决定严格使用度数弧度以避免混淆,但至少对于这些类,您可以使用最有意义的类型。例如,公开使用的 API 或 GUI API 可以使用Degrees,而您的大量数学/三角函数或内部使用可能使用Radians. 考虑以下类/打印功能:

public class MyRadiansShape
    public Radians Rotation { get; set; }

public class MyDegreesShape
    public Degrees Rotation { get; set; }

public static void PrintRotation(Degrees degrees, Radians radians)
    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Degrees: {0}, Radians: {1}", degrees.Value, radians.Value));


var radiansShape = new MyRadiansShape() { Rotation = Math.PI / 2}; //prefer "Radians.HALF_PI" instead, but just as an example
var degreesShape = new MyDegreesShape() { Rotation = 90 };

PrintRotation(radiansShape.Rotation, radiansShape.Rotation);
PrintRotation(degreesShape.Rotation, degreesShape.Rotation);
PrintRotation(radiansShape.Rotation + degreesShape.Rotation, radiansShape.Rotation + degreesShape.Rotation);

//Degrees: 90, Radians: 1.5707963267949
//Degrees: 90, Radians: 1.5707963267949
//Degrees: 180, Radians: 3.14159265358979


double distance = 5;
Polar polarCoordinate = new Polar(distance, (degreesShape.Rotation - radiansShape.Rotation) + Radians.QUARTER_PI);
Console.WriteLine("Polar Coordinate Angle: " + (Degrees)polarCoordinate.Angle); //because it's easier to read degrees!
//Polar Coordinate Angle: 45

最后,您可以Point2D通过隐式转换来实现一个类(或使用 System.Windows.Point)Polar

Point2D cartesianCoordinate = polarCoordinate;
Console.WriteLine(cartesianCoordinate.X + ", " + cartesianCoordinate.Y);
//3.53553390593274, 3.53553390593274

正如我所说,我想再通过这些类,并可能消除double隐式转换Radians以避免一些可能的极端情况混淆和编译器歧义。这些实际上在我们创建 static ONE_PIHALF_PI(等等)字段之前就已经存在,并且我们正在从Math.PIdouble 的某个倍数进行转换。


public struct Polar
    public double Radius;
    public Radians Angle;

    public double X { get { return Radius * Angle.Cos; } }
    public double Y { get { return Radius * Angle.Sin; } }

    public Polar(double radius, Radians angle)
        this.Radius = radius;
        this.Angle = angle;

    public Polar(Point2D point)
        : this(point.Magnitude(), point.GetAngleFromOrigin())

    public Polar(Point2D point, double radius)
        : this(radius, point.GetAngleFromOrigin())

    public Polar(Point2D point, Point2D origin)
        : this(point - origin)

    public Point2D ToCartesian()
        return new Point2D(X, Y);
    public static implicit operator Point2D(Polar polar)
        return polar.ToCartesian();

    public static implicit operator Polar(Point2D vector)
        return new Polar(vector);
于 2012-09-01T22:40:49.690 回答

我用它来无缝转换DateTime"yyyyMMdd"相应的int(yyyyMMdd) 值。


void f1(int yyyyMMdd);
void f2(string yyyyMMdd);


public static DateAsYyyyMmDd YearsFrom(this int y, DateTime d) 
    return new DateAsYyyyMmDd(d.AddYears(y));

public class DateAsYyyyMmDd
    private readonly DateTime date;

    public DateAsYyyyMmDd(DateTime date)
        this.date = date;

    public static implicit operator int(DateOrYyyyMmDd d)
        return Convert.ToInt32(d.date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));

    public static implicit operator string(DateOrYyyyMmDd d)
        return d.date.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
于 2013-12-30T20:55:37.173 回答


class Product
    string name;
    decimal price;
    string maker;


public static explicit operator string(Product p)
    return "Product Name: " + p.name + " Price: " + p.price.ToString("C") + " Maker: " + p.maker;
    // Or you might just want to return the name.


textBox1.Text = (string)myProduct;



Microsoft 的意思是,如果您确实提供了一个转换运算符,则不会返回意外的结果。使用我们Product类的最后一个示例,这将返回一个意外的结果:

public static explicit operator string(Product p)
    return (p.price * 100).ToString();

显然没有人会真正这样做,但如果其他人使用Product该类并使用显式字符串转换,他们不会期望它返回价格乘以 100。


于 2012-08-26T01:16:43.127 回答



class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Code code1 = new Code { Id = 1, Description = "Hi" };
        Code code2 = new Code { Id = 2, Description = "There" };

        switch (code1)
            case 23: 
              // do some stuff
            // other cases...

public class Code
    private int id;
    private string description;

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public static implicit operator int(Code code)
        return code.Id;
于 2012-08-26T01:20:01.020 回答



我最近想用一种更简单的方法来处理 Guid。我的设计目标是:简化语法和初始化,简化转换和变量分配。

如您所知,如果您需要创建 GUID,使用起来有点麻烦:

示例 1:


var guids = new Guid[] {
  new Guid("2f78c861-e0c3-4d83-a2d2-cac269fb87f1"), new Guid("2f78c861-e0c3-4d83-a2d2-cac269fb87f2"),
  new Guid("2f78c861-e0c3-4d83-a2d2-cac269fb87f3")

如果您可以将 GUID 字符串隐式转换为字符串,例如:

var guids = new EasyGuid[] {
    "2f78c861-e0c3-4d83-a2d2-cac269fb87f1", "2f78c861-e0c3-4d83-a2d2-cac269fb87f2",

这将允许将 GUID 列表直接从 JSON 文件粘贴到 C# 代码中。

示例 2:


var guids = new Guid[30];
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
    guids[i] = System.Guid.Empty; // Guid with 000...


var guids = new EasyGuid[30]; // create array with 30 Guids (value null)


foreach (Guid g in guids)

换句话说,它们可以在需要使用时隐式转换为“普通”Guid。在第二个示例中,如果它们为空,则动态隐式分配空 Guid。

你怎么能那样做?您不能从 System.Guid 继承。但是您可以使用隐式转换。看看这个类,我称之为它EasyGuid,它使上面的声明成为可能:

/// <summary>
/// Easy GUID creation
/// Written by Matt, 2020
/// </summary>
public class EasyGuid
    // in case you want to replace GUID generation 
    // by RT.Comb, call Provider.PostgreSql.Create()
    private static System.Guid NewGuid => System.Guid.NewGuid();

    private System.Guid _guid = EasyGuid.NewGuid;

    public EasyGuid()
        _guid = NewGuid;

    public EasyGuid(string s)
        _guid = new System.Guid(s); // convert string to Guid

    // converts string to Guid
    public static implicit operator EasyGuid(string s) => new EasyGuid(s);

    // converts EasyGuid to Guid, create empty guid (Guid with 0) if null
    public static implicit operator System.Guid(EasyGuid g)
                                    => (g == null) ? System.Guid.Empty : g.ToGuid();

    // converts EasyGuid to Guid?, null will be passed through
    public static implicit operator System.Guid?(EasyGuid g)
                                    => (g == null) ? null : (Guid?)g.ToGuid();
    public override string ToString() => _guid.ToString();
    public System.Guid ToGuid() => _guid;

您可以看到它EasyGuid可以将字符串隐式转换为 EasyGuid,也可以将 EasyGuid 转换为 Guid - 通过调用ToGuid(). 它也可以打印为字符串,因为我已经覆盖了.ToString().

最后,我希望能够轻松地动态生成新的 GUID。我通过写作实现了这一点。

    // converts EasyGuid to Guid, create empty guid (Guid with 0) if null
    public static implicit operator System.Guid(EasyGuid g)
                                    => (g == null) ? EasyGuid.NewGuid : g.ToGuid();


var guids = new EasyGuid[30]; 

将在转换为 GUID 后立即生成新的 GUID。但是我从@OskarBerggren那里得到反馈,这种方法虽然很容易实现,但会引起混淆——对于阅读它的其他人来说,代码将不再明显(谢谢你,Oskar 的这个提示!)。它还可能导致意外问题(错误)。记住微软的话:



public static class Extensions
    public static System.Guid[] ToGuids(this EasyGuid[] guidArray, bool replaceNullByNewGuid = false)
        => guidArray.ToList().ToGuids(replaceNullByNewGuid).ToArray();
    public static List<System.Guid> ToGuids(this List<EasyGuid> easyGuidList, bool replaceNullByNewGuid = false)
        var guidList = new List<Guid>();
        foreach (var g in easyGuidList)
            Guid result = (g!=null) ? g : ((replaceNullByNewGuid) ? new EasyGuid().ToGuid() : System.Guid.Empty);
        return guidList;


// shorter: .ToGuids(true)
var guids = new EasyGuid[30].ToGuids(replaceNullByNewGuid: true);

如果你只想创建一个空 Guid 的数组:

var guids = new EasyGuid[30].ToGuids();

这样做(对于 GUIDS 列表相同)。




var eg1 = new EasyGuid();  // simple case: new Guid
Guid g = eg1; g.Dump();    // straight-forward conversion
EasyGuid eg2 = null;       // null-handling
Guid g2 = eg2; g2.Dump();  // converted to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Guid? g3 = eg2; g3.Dump(); // will be null
于 2020-08-04T08:32:29.957 回答