As all you know, Sharepoint 2003 has simple access rights privilages. You can only grant rights (Reader, Contributor, Administrator) but unfortunatelly you can not deny access. So, if someone is not welcome in SharePoint portal there is no simple way to restrict access for him.

I found nice articles how to secure access to certain page using web.config:

  <allow users="MySuperAdmin"/>
  <deny users="*"/>

But... It doesn't work in my two SharePoint installations (test and live). No matter what I enter in <authorization> tag, I am still able to enter SharePoint pages. Even when I deny access for all, like this:

  <deny users="*"/>

... I am still able to see all pages (with my local Administrator user or any other non-admin user).

Could you please help what is wrong in my code?


2 回答 2


您应该能够使用标准 SharePoint 2003 功能设计这些安全要求,而不是编辑 web.config 文件。


于 2009-07-27T13:59:27.047 回答


<location path="_layouts/images">
      <allow users="*" />

PS Alex 的答案最终是正确的,尽管这意味着在 Active Directory 中到处乱扔东西。我们在我的公司也是这样做的。

于 2009-07-27T14:08:26.380 回答