我已经使用 GLSL 自旋锁(受此启发)实现了深度剥离算法。在下面的可视化中,请注意深度剥离算法在整体上是如何正确运行的(第一层左上角,第二层右上角,第三层左下角,第四层右下角)。四个深度层存储在单个 RGBA 纹理中。
在我的 GLSL 自旋锁中,当要绘制片段时,片段程序会原子地读取锁定值并将其写入单独的锁定纹理,直到出现 0,表示锁已打开。 在实践中,我发现程序必须是并行的,因为如果两个线程在同一个像素上,warp 就无法继续(一个必须等待,而另一个继续,GPU 线程 warp 中的所有线程必须同时执行)。
#version 420 core
//locking texture
layout(r32ui) coherent uniform uimage2D img2D_0;
//data texture, also render target
layout(RGBA32F) coherent uniform image2D img2D_1;
//Inserts "new_data" into "data", a sorted list
vec4 insert(vec4 data, float new_data) {
if (new_data<data.x) return vec4( new_data,data.xyz);
else if (new_data<data.y) return vec4(data.x,new_data,data.yz);
else if (new_data<data.z) return vec4(data.xy,new_data,data.z);
else if (new_data<data.w) return vec4(data.xyz,new_data );
else return data;
void main() {
ivec2 coord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
//The idea here is to keep looping over a pixel until a value is written.
//By looping over the entire logic, threads in the same warp aren't stalled
//by other waiting threads. The first imageAtomicExchange call sets the
//locking value to 1. If the locking value was already 1, then someone
//else has the lock, and can_write is false. If the locking value was 0,
//then the lock is free, and can_write is true. The depth is then read,
//the new value inserted, but only written if can_write is true (the
//locking texture was free). The second imageAtomicExchange call resets
//the lock back to 0.
bool have_written = false;
while (!have_written) {
bool can_write = (imageAtomicExchange(img2D_0,coord,1u) != 1u);
vec4 depths = imageLoad(img2D_1,coord);
depths = insert(depths,gl_FragCoord.z);
if (can_write) {
have_written = true;
discard; //Already wrote to render target with imageStore
我的问题是为什么会出现这种斑点行为?我希望自旋锁 100% 的时间都在工作!它可能与我放置 memoryBarrier() 的位置有关吗?