这是 .h 文件的内容:
@class _Card;
@interface _Deck : NSObject
@property (readonly) NSString *deckData;
@property (readonly) NSUInteger count;
@property (readonly) NSUInteger deckCount;
@property (readonly) BOOL needsReset;
@property (readonly) NSArray *cards;
- (id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)array;
- (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)filePath;
- (void)shuffle;
- (NSArray *)draw;
- (void)reset;
- (void)changeEdition;
- (NSArray *)draw {
// first, we create an array that can be returned, populated with the
// cards that we drew
NSMutableArray *drawArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
// next, we get the top card, which is actually located in the
// indexArray (I use this for shuffling, pulling cards, etc.)
NSNumber *index = [[[indexArray objectAtIndex:0] retain] autorelease];
// now we get the card that the index corresponds to
// from the cards array
_Card *card = [cards objectAtIndex:[index integerValue]];
// now I remove the index that we
// got from the indexArray...don't worry,
// it might be put back in
[indexArray removeObject:index];
// if the card is supposed to discard after
// draw, we leave it out
if(!card.discard) {
int insertIndex = arc4random_uniform(indexArray.count);
// then I insert the card into the deck using the random, random
// number
[indexArray insertObject:index atIndex:insertIndex];
_Card *cardCopy = [card copy];
// we add the card to the array
// that we will return
[drawArray addObject:cardCopy];
// next, if the card is not the final card...
if(!card.final) {
// ...and the card has an
// additional draw specified...
if(card.force) {
// we keep drawing until we need to stop
[drawArray addObjectsFromArray:[self draw]];
return drawArray;