我正在接近解决这个问题,但有一部分给我带来了麻烦。我试图模仿一个标尺对象,用户可以在画布上旋转、缩放和放置它,然后沿着边缘追踪以在画布上做一个标记。我遇到的问题是无论用户的手指走到哪里,都可以在线获得下一个点。我可以将法线从该点追溯到我拥有的边缘的一个小的透明视图,但是由于混叠(或其他原因),线在以纯直线以外的任何角度(0、90、180)绘制时会抽搐, 270)。我也试过写一个像 CGRectContainsPoint 这样的函数,除了它需要一个任意旋转的矩形,但我没有成功。
- (CGPoint)perpendicularPointFromPoint:(CGPoint)point
CGPoint testPoint1 = point;
CGPoint testPoint2 = testPoint1;
CGPoint pointToUse = CGPointZero;
//Get the right angle to the current rotation, and make
//a unit vector in that direction
CGFloat rightAngle = mCurRotation + M_PI_2;
CGFloat xInc = cosf(rightAngle);
CGFloat yInc = sinf(rightAngle);
//Check both "forward" and "backward"
int counter = 0;
while(pointToUse.x == 0)
testPoint1.x += xInc;
testPoint1.y += yInc;
testPoint2.x -= xInc;
testPoint2.y -= yInc;
//mLineOutline is a small view on top of the ruler (transparent)
if([self.superview hitTest:testPoint1 withEvent:nil] == mLineOutline)
pointToUse = testPoint1;
else if([self.superview hitTest:testPoint2 withEvent:nil] == mLineOutline)
pointToUse = testPoint2;
else if(counter++ > 1000) //Neither ray intersects the ruler
pointToUse.x = -1.f;
return CGPointMake(roundf(pointToUse.x), roundf(pointToUse.y));