如果 cmd 窗口输出:“找不到 ref_eng ...”,我想将我的程序重定向到一组特定的命令,我该怎么做?在下面的代码中,包含 For 的第 2 行是 cmd.exe 可以在 !refLogPath 时输出“找不到 ref_eng”的位置!不存在。此时,我想将我的程序重定向到其他地方......

<!logPath! (
For /F "tokens=*" %%R in (!refLogPath!) DO (
    if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (
        ECHO Check certain lines of code
    set logLine=
        set /p logLine=
    set refLogLine=%%R
    REM Check line by line of log against refLog
    REM assume ALL times have been replaced with: "xx:xx:xx"

    REM if corresponding lines mismatch
    if NOT "!logLine!"=="!refLogLine!" (
        Echo line below is Incorrect:
        set lnCorrect=false
        REM output to command line: can be put into .log/.txt later
        REM output ANY and ALL incorrect line in log file
            ECHO !logLine!

1 回答 1


在 for 循环之前检查 refLogPath。


   if !refLogPath!xx == xx (
     REM refLogPath is empty or unset
     goto :SomewhereElse
   ) else (
     if not exist !refLogPath! (
       REM refLogPath is missing
       goto :SomewhereElse
   For /F "tokens=*" %%R in (!refLogPath!) DO (
于 2012-07-13T03:52:44.257 回答