
有些代码很复杂,我必须定义一个用户定义的数据类型。我尝试用谷歌搜索“vba 用户定义的数据类型”,但对我找到的教程感到非常失望,所以我自己去试试。
Dim NameFamily() As String
Dim NameGiven() As String
Dim Age() As Long
ReDim NameFamily(1 to 20)
ReDim NameGiven(1 to 3, 1 to 20)
ReDim Age(1 to 20)
NameFamily(5) = "Dallimore"
NameGiven(1, 5) = "Anthony"
NameGiven(2, 5) = "John"
NameGiven(3, 5) = ""
Age(5) = 65
另一种方法是使用大多数语言称为结构而 VBA 称为用户定义的数据类型:
Type Person
NameFamily As String
NameGiven() As String
NumGivenNames as Long
Age As Long
End Type
Dim Boss As Person
Dim OtherStaff() As Person
ReDim OtherStaff(1 to 20)
OtherStaff(5).NameFamily = "Dallimore"
OtherStaff(5).NumGivenNames = 2
Redim OtherStaff(5).NameGiven(1 To OtherStaff(5).NumGivenNames)
OtherStaff(5).NameGiven(1) = "Anthony"
OtherStaff(5).NameGiven(2) = "John"
OtherStaff(5).Age = 65
这可能看起来并不容易。当您想添加有关人员的另一项信息时,好处变得更加明显;也许是孩子的数量。对于常规数组,您首先必须添加一个新数组。然后,您必须在代码中找到调整人员数组大小的每个点,并为新数组添加 ReDim 语句。如果您错过任何 ReDim,您会收到奇怪的错误。使用用户定义的数据类型,您在类型定义中添加一行:
Type Person
NameFamily As String
NameGiven() As String
NumGivenNames as Long
Age As Long
NumChildren As Long
End Type
名称的格式为 AaaaBbbbCccc,其中每个名称部分都缩小了名称的范围。所以“Col”是column的缩写。任何用作列号的变量都以“Col”开头。“Dest”是目标的缩写,“Src”是“源”的缩写。因此,任何以“ColSrc”开头的变量都是源工作表的列号。
如果我有一个数组 AaaaBbbbCccc,那么该数组的任何索引都将以 InxAaaaBbbbCccc 开头,除非结果名称太长,在这种情况下 Aaaa、Bbbb 和 Cccc 被缩写或丢弃。所以“NameDtl()”的所有索引都以“InxName”开头,因为我认为“InxNameDtl”太长了。
“Crnt”是“Current”的缩写,通常表示 for 循环变量或从数组中提取的值,用于 for 循环的一次迭代。
Option Explicit
Type typNameDtl
InxPredCrntMax As Long
Name As String
Output As Boolean
Predecessor() As String
End Type
Sub ExtractValue3()
Dim ColDestCrnt As Long ' Current column of destination worksheet
Dim ColSrcCrnt As Long ' Current column of source worksheet
Dim ColSrcSheetLast As Long ' Last column of worksheet
Dim InxNISCrnt As Long ' Current index into NameInSeq array
Dim InxNISCrntMax As Long ' Index of last used entry in NameInSeq array
Dim InxNISFirstThisPass As Long ' Index of first entry in NameInSeq array
' used this pass
Dim InxNameCrnt As Long ' Current index into NameDtl array
Dim InxNameCrntMax As Long ' Index of last used entry in NameDtl array
Dim InxPredCrnt As Long ' Current index into NameDtl(N).Predecessor
' array
Dim InxPredCrntMaxCrnt As Long ' Temporary copy of
' NameDtl(N).InxPredecessorCrntMax
Dim InxTableCrnt As Long ' Current index into RowSrcTableTitle and
' RowSrcTableEnd arrays
Dim InxTableCrntMax As Long ' Last used entry in RowSrcTableTitle and
' RowSrcTableEnd arrays
Dim Found As Boolean ' Set to True if a loop finds what is
' being sought
Dim NameCrnt As String ' Current index into NameDtl array
Dim NameInSeq() As String ' Array of names in output sequence
Dim NameLenMax As Long ' Maximum length of a name. Only used to
' align columns in diagnostic output.
Dim NameDtl() As typNameDtl ' Array of names found and their predecessors
Dim PredNameCrnt As String ' Current predecessor name. Used when
' searching NameDtl(N).Predecessor
Dim RowDestCrnt As Long ' Current row of destination worksheet
Dim RowSrcCrnt1 As Long ' \ Indices into source worksheet allowing
Dim RowSrcCrnt2 As Long ' / nested searches
Dim RowSrcTableEnd() As Long ' Array holding last row of each table within
' source worksheet
Dim RowSrcTableEndCrnt As Long ' The last row of the current table
Dim RowSrcSheetLast As Long ' Last row of source worksheet
Dim RowSrcTableTitle() As Long ' Array holding title row of each table within
' source worksheet
Dim RowSrcTableTitleCrnt As Long ' Title row of current table
Dim SheetValue() As Variant ' Copy of source worksheet.
' Column A of source worksheet used to test this code:
' Start
' row Values in starting and following rows
' 2 block1 name c d e f
' 9 block2 name b c d e
' 16 block3 name a c d
' 22 block4 name a d e
' 29 block5 name a d f
' 36 block6 name d e f
' Note that a and b never appear together in a table; it is impossible
' to deduce their preferred sequence from this data.
' Stage 1: Load entire source worksheet into array.
' =================================================
With Worksheets("Jia Source")
' Detrmine dimensions of worksheet
RowSrcSheetLast = .Cells.Find("*", .Range("A1"), xlFormulas, , _
xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
ColSrcSheetLast = .Cells.Find("*", .Range("A1"), xlFormulas, , _
xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
SheetValue = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), _
.Cells(RowSrcSheetLast, ColSrcSheetLast)).Value
' SheetValue is a one-based array with rows as the first dimension and
' columns as the second. An array loaded from a worksheet is always one-based
' even if the range does not start at Cells(1,1). Because this range starts
' at Cells(1,1), indices into SheetValue match row and column numbers within
' the worksheet. This match is convenient for diagnostic output but is not
' used by the macro which does not reference the worksheet, RowSrcSheetLast or
' ColSrcSheet again.
End With
' Stage 2: Locate each table and store number of
' title row and last data row in arrays.
' ==============================================
' 100 entries may be enough. The arrays are enlarged if necessary.
ReDim RowSrcTableEnd(1 To 100)
ReDim RowSrcTableTitle(1 To 100)
InxTableCrntMax = 0 ' Arrays currently empty
RowSrcCrnt1 = 1
' Loop identifying dimensions of tables
Do While RowSrcCrnt1 <= RowSrcSheetLast
' Search down for the first row of a table
Found = False
Do While RowSrcCrnt1 <= RowSrcSheetLast
If SheetValue(RowSrcCrnt1, 1) <> "" Then
RowSrcTableTitleCrnt = RowSrcCrnt1
Found = True
Exit Do
End If
RowSrcCrnt1 = RowSrcCrnt1 + 1
If Not Found Then
' All tables located
Exit Do
End If
' Search down for the last row of a table
Found = False
Do While RowSrcCrnt1 <= RowSrcSheetLast
If SheetValue(RowSrcCrnt1, 1) = "" Then
RowSrcTableEndCrnt = RowSrcCrnt1 - 1
Found = True
Exit Do
End If
RowSrcCrnt1 = RowSrcCrnt1 + 1
If Not Found Then
' Last table extends down to bottom of worksheet
RowSrcTableEndCrnt = RowSrcSheetLast
End If
' Store details of this table.
InxTableCrntMax = InxTableCrntMax + 1
' Enlarge arrays if they are full
If InxTableCrntMax > UBound(RowSrcTableTitle) Then
' Redim Preserve requires the interpreter find a block of memory
' of the new size, copy values across from the old array and
' release the old array for garbage collection. I always allocate
' extra memory in large chunks and use an index like
' InxTableCrntMax to record how much of the array has been used.
ReDim Preserve RowSrcTableTitle(UBound(RowSrcTableTitle) + 100)
ReDim Preserve RowSrcTableEnd(UBound(RowSrcTableTitle) + 100)
End If
RowSrcTableTitle(InxTableCrntMax) = RowSrcTableTitleCrnt
RowSrcTableEnd(InxTableCrntMax) = RowSrcTableEndCrnt
' Output the arrays to the Immediate window to demonstrate they are correct.
' For my test data, the output is:
' Elements: 1 2 3 4 5 6
' Title: 2 9 16 22 29 36
' Last data: 7 14 20 26 33 40
Debug.Print "Location of each table"
Debug.Print " Elements:";
For InxTableCrnt = 1 To InxTableCrntMax
Debug.Print Right(" " & InxTableCrnt, 3);
Debug.Print " Title:";
For InxTableCrnt = 1 To InxTableCrntMax
Debug.Print Right(" " & RowSrcTableTitle(InxTableCrnt), 3);
Debug.Print "Last data:";
For InxTableCrnt = 1 To InxTableCrntMax
Debug.Print Right(" " & RowSrcTableEnd(InxTableCrnt), 3);
' Stage 3. Build arrays listing predecessors of each name
' ========================================================
' The names within the tables are all in the same sequence but no table
' contains more than a few names so that sequence is not obvious. This
' stage accumulates data from the tables so that Stage 4 can deduce the full
' sequence. More correctly, Stage 4 deduces a sequence that does not
' contradict the tables because the sequence of a and b and the sequence
' of f and g is not defined by these tables.
' For Stage 4, I need a list of every name used in the tables and, for each
' name, a list of its predecessors. Consider first the list of names.
' NameDtl is initialised to NameDtl(1 to 50) and InxNameCrntMax is initialised
' to 0 to record the array is empty. In table 1, the code below finds c, d,
' e and f. NameDtl and InxNameCrntMax are updated as these names are found:
' Initial state: InxNameCrntMax = 0 NameDtl empty
' Name c found : InxNameCrntMax = 1 NameDtl(1).Name = "c"
' Name d found : InxNameCrntMax = 2 NameDtl(2).Name = "d"
' Name e found : InxNameCrntMax = 3 NameDtl(3).Name = "e"
' Name f found : InxNameCrntMax = 4 NameDtl(4).Name = "f"
' In table 2, the code finds; b, c, d and e. b is new but c, d and e are
' already recorded and they must not be added again. For each name found,
' the code checks entries 1 to InxNameCrntMax. Only if the new name is not
' found, is it added.
' For each name, Stage 4 needs to know its predecessors. From table 1 it
' records that:
' d is preceeded by c
' e is preceeded by c and d
' f is preceeded by c, d and e
' The same technique is used for build the list of predecessors. The
' differences are:
' 1) Names are accumulated in NameDtl().Name while the predecessors of
' the fifth name are accumulated in NameDtl(5).Predecessor.
' 2) InxNameCrntMax is replaced, for the fifth name, by
' NameDtl(5).InxPredCrntMax.
' Start with space for 50 names. Enlarge if necessary.
ReDim NameDtl(1 To 50)
InxNameCrntMax = 0 ' Array is empty
' For each table
For InxTableCrnt = 1 To InxTableCrntMax
RowSrcTableTitleCrnt = RowSrcTableTitle(InxTableCrnt)
RowSrcTableEndCrnt = RowSrcTableEnd(InxTableCrnt)
' For each data row in the current table
For RowSrcCrnt1 = RowSrcTableTitleCrnt + 2 To RowSrcTableEndCrnt
' Look in NameDtl for name from current data row
NameCrnt = SheetValue(RowSrcCrnt1, 1)
Found = False
For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
' Not this comparison is case sensitive "John" and "john" would not
' match. Use LCase if case insensitive comparison required.
If NameCrnt = NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Name Then
Found = True
Exit For
End If
If Not Found Then
' This is a new name. Create entry in NameDtl for it.
InxNameCrntMax = InxNameCrntMax + 1
If InxNameCrntMax > UBound(NameDtl) Then
ReDim Preserve NameDtl(UBound(NameDtl) + 50)
End If
InxNameCrnt = InxNameCrntMax
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Output = False
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Name = NameCrnt
' Allow for up to 20 predecessors
ReDim NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Predecessor(1 To 20)
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax = 0
End If
' Check that each predecessor for the current name within the
' current table is recorded against the current name
For RowSrcCrnt2 = RowSrcTableTitleCrnt + 2 To RowSrcCrnt1 - 1
Found = False
PredNameCrnt = SheetValue(RowSrcCrnt2, 1)
' Move current number of predecessors from array to variable
' to make code more compact and easier to read
InxPredCrntMaxCrnt = NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax
For InxPredCrnt = 1 To InxPredCrntMaxCrnt
If PredNameCrnt = _
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Predecessor(InxPredCrnt) Then
Found = True
Exit For
End If
If Not Found Then
' This predecessor has not been recorded against the current name
InxPredCrntMaxCrnt = InxPredCrntMaxCrnt + 1
If InxPredCrntMaxCrnt > _
UBound(NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Predecessor) Then
ReDim Preserve NameDtl(UBound(NameDtl) + 20)
End If
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Predecessor(InxPredCrntMaxCrnt) = PredNameCrnt
' Place new value for number of predecessors in its permenent store.
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax = InxPredCrntMaxCrnt
End If
' Output NameDtl to the Immediate window to demonstrate it is correct.
' Find length of longest name so columns can be justified
NameLenMax = 4 ' Minimum length is that of title
For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
If Len(NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Name) > NameLenMax Then
NameLenMax = Len(NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Name)
End If
' Output headings
Debug.Print vbLf & "Contents of NameDtl table"
Debug.Print Space(NameLenMax + 10) & "Max"
Debug.Print Left("Name" & Space(NameLenMax), NameLenMax + 2) & _
"Output inx Predecessors"
' Output table contents
For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
Debug.Print Left(NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Name & Space(NameLenMax), _
NameLenMax + 4) & _
IIf(NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Output, " True ", " False") & _
" " & Right(" " & _
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax, 3) & " ";
For InxPredCrnt = 1 To NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax
Debug.Print " " & _
' Stage 4: Sequence names for list.
' =================================
' The output from the above routine for the test data is:
' Max
' Name Output inx Predecessors
' c False 2 b a
' d False 3 c b a
' e False 4 c d b a
' g False 3 c d e
' b False 0
' a False 0
' f False 3 a d e
' Note 1: All this information is in the sequence found.
' Note 2: We do not know the "true" sequence of b and a or of g and f.
' The loop below has three steps:
' 1) Transfer any names to NamesInSeq() that have not already been
' transferred and have a value of 0 for Max inx.
' 2) If no names are transferred, the loop has completed its task.
' 3) Remove any names transferred during this pass from the predecessor
' lists and mark the name as output.
' Before the loop NameInSeq() is empty, InxNISCrntMax = 0 and
' InxNISFirstThisPass = InxNISCrntMax+1 = 1.
' After step 1 of pass 1:
' NameInSeq(1) = "b" and NameInSeq(2) = "a"
' InxNISCrntMax = 2
' Entries InxNISFirstThisPass (1) to InxNISCrntMax (2) of NamesInSeq have
' been transferred during this pass so names a and b are removed from the
' lists by copying the last entry in each list over the name to be removed
' and reducing Max inx. For pass 1, only the list for f is changed.
' At the end of pass 1, NameDtl is:
' Max
' Name Output inx Predecessors
' c False 0
' d False 1 c
' e False 2 c d
' g False 3 c d e
' b True 0
' a True 0
' f False 2 e d
' During pass 2, c is moved to NamesInSeq and removed form the lists to give:
' Max
' Name Output inx Predecessors
' c True 0
' d False 0
' e False 1 d
' g False 2 e d
' b True 0
' a True 0
' f False 2 e d
' This process continues until all names have been transferred.
' Size array for total number of names.
ReDim NameInSeq(1 To InxNameCrntMax)
InxNISCrntMax = 0 ' Array empty
' Loop until every name has been moved
' from ProdecessorDtl to NameInSeq.
Do While True
Found = False ' No name found to move during this pass
' Record index of first name, if any, to be added during this pass
InxNISFirstThisPass = InxNISCrntMax + 1
' Transfer names without predecessors to NameInSeq()
For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
If Not NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Output Then
' This name has not been output
If NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax = 0 Then
' This name has no predecessors or no predecessors that
' have not already been transferred to NameInSeq()
InxNISCrntMax = InxNISCrntMax + 1
NameInSeq(InxNISCrntMax) = NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Name
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Output = True
Found = True
End If
End If
If Not Found Then
' All names already transferred to NameInSeq
Exit Do
End If
' Remove references to names transferred to NameinSeq()
' during this pass
For InxNISCrnt = InxNISFirstThisPass To InxNISCrntMax
NameCrnt = NameInSeq(InxNISCrnt)
For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
If Not NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Output Then
' This name has not been output
For InxPredCrnt = 1 To NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax
If NameCrnt = _
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Predecessor(InxPredCrnt) Then
' Remove this name by overwriting it
' with the last name in the list
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Predecessor(InxPredCrnt) = _
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).Predecessor _
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax = _
NameDtl(InxNameCrnt).InxPredCrntMax - 1
Exit For
End If
End If
Debug.Print vbLf & "Name list"
For InxNISCrnt = 1 To InxNISCrntMax
Debug.Print NameInSeq(InxNISCrnt)
' Stage 5: Transfer data
' ======================
' We now have everything we need for the transfer:
' * NameInSeq() contains the names in the output sequence
' * SheetValue() contains all the data from the source worksheet
' * RowSrcTableTitle() and RowSrcTableEnd() identify the
' start and end row of each table
With Worksheets("Jia Destination")
.Cells.EntireRow.Delete ' Clear destination sheet
ColDestCrnt = 1
.Cells(1, ColDestCrnt).Value = "Name"
' Output names
RowDestCrnt = 2
For InxNISCrnt = 1 To InxNISCrntMax
.Cells(RowDestCrnt, ColDestCrnt).Value = NameInSeq(InxNISCrnt)
RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1
' Output values from each table
For InxTableCrnt = 1 To InxTableCrntMax
RowSrcTableTitleCrnt = RowSrcTableTitle(InxTableCrnt)
RowSrcTableEndCrnt = RowSrcTableEnd(InxTableCrnt)
' Find value column, if any
Found = False
ColSrcCrnt = 2
Do While SheetValue(RowSrcTableTitleCrnt + 1, ColSrcCrnt) <> ""
If LCase(SheetValue(RowSrcTableTitleCrnt + 1, ColSrcCrnt)) = _
"value" Then
Found = True
Exit Do
End If
ColSrcCrnt = ColSrcCrnt + 1
If Found Then
' Value column found for this table
ColDestCrnt = ColDestCrnt + 1
' Transfer table name
.Cells(1, ColDestCrnt).Value = SheetValue(RowSrcTableTitleCrnt, 1)
' Transfer values
RowDestCrnt = 2
RowSrcCrnt1 = RowSrcTableTitleCrnt + 2
For InxNISCrnt = 1 To InxNISCrntMax
If NameInSeq(InxNISCrnt) = SheetValue(RowSrcCrnt1, 1) Then
' Value for this name in this table
.Cells(RowDestCrnt, ColDestCrnt).Value = _
SheetValue(RowSrcCrnt1, ColSrcCrnt)
' Value transferred from this row. Step to next if any
RowSrcCrnt1 = RowSrcCrnt1 + 1
If RowSrcCrnt1 > RowSrcTableEndCrnt Then
' No more rows in this table
Exit For
End If
End If
RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1
Call MsgBox("Table starting at row " & RowSrcTableTitleCrnt & _
" does not have a value column", vbOKOnly)
End If
End With
End Sub