我正在尝试在 Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit 上安装 Mono for Android。安装程序只是检查组件,然后告诉:“你准备好了”“看来您的系统已经设置为使用 Mono for Android!”。它不安装任何东西!


[2012-06-21 05:17:43.229] [Info] Determining list of software items to install.
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.230] [Info] Component detection starting
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.230] [Debug] Processing update nodes from the manifest.
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.230] [Info] Waiting for detection to finish
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.231] [Info] Detection complete
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.231] [Info] Component detection complete
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.231] [Debug] Download service starting.
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.232] [Info] Component detection task completed successfully
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.232] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Java JDK'
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.232] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Android SDK'
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.233] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'GTK#'
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.233] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'MonoDevelop'
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.233] [Debug] Creating and initializing software item 'Mono for Android, VisualStudio and MonoDevelop'
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.334] [Debug] Detection completed.
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.335] [Info] No software needs to be installed.
[2012-06-21 05:17:43.335] [Info] Status: successful

我的机器上没有安装某些组件(如“Android SDK”),为什么它说“无需安装软件”?我是否需要自己安装所有 SDK(与“http://docs.xamarin.com/android/getting_started/installation/Installation_for_Windows”有什么不同)?有什么想法有什么问题吗?


2 回答 2


似乎是安装程序问题。从网上获取 mono-android-4.6.07004.msi 并将其复制到 C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Temp\MonoForAndroid\downloads。从那里运行提到的 .msi 文件。完成后,再次运行 Xamarin 安装。Xamarin 安装程序需要一些时间才能完成。这应该有效。

于 2013-07-16T13:32:17.917 回答

这是他们正在处理的一个已知问题,似乎发生在 Windows 7 64 位系统上。您可以在此处查看错误报告。根据该错误,听起来运行安装程序几次可能有助于完成它。如果您有更多信息可能有助于他们重现/解决问题,我绝对建议将其记录在错误中。

于 2012-06-21T13:37:18.817 回答