在我的 MonoDevelop 项目中,我有一个 iPhone 应用程序。我有两种不同的看法。每个视图都包含一个 UITable。对于视图 1,我将类 1 作为数据源 1 连接到 UITableViewController。该类在 UITableViewController 类属性的 Interface Builder 中指定。
对于视图 2,我将类 2 连接为数据源 2。还连接到 UITableViewController 类属性的界面构建器中。两个类(即数据源)都为表格提供数据。View 2 也有一个自定义单元格,因此加载是异步的。
我使用 linq to xml 从 2 个 xml 文件中获取数据。一切正常,数据加载良好。我需要知道的是根据视图 1 中所做的选择在数据源 2 中加载数据。为此,我需要将视图 1 中的 ID 传递给类(数据源)2。这很好用,并且所选的数据ID 加载。问题是当我点击导航控制器并在第一个屏幕上更改我的选择 (ID) 时,显示的数据完全相同,这告诉我 UITable 不会用新选择刷新。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using System.Data;
namespace CurrieCup2012
public partial class MyTableViewController : UITableViewController
static NSString CellID = new NSString ("MyIdentifier");
List<Fixtures> Fixtures;
// Constructor invoked from the NIB loader
public MyTableViewController (IntPtr p) : base (p)
// The data source for our TableView
class DataSource : UITableViewDataSource
MyTableViewController tvc;
public DataSource (MyTableViewController tableViewController)
this.tvc = tableViewController;
public override int RowsInSection (UITableView tableView, int section)
return tvc.Fixtures.Count;
public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell (CellID);
if (cell == null)
cell = new UITableViewCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, CellID);
// Customize the cell here...
Fixtures fixtures = tvc.Fixtures.ElementAt(indexPath.Row);
cell.TextLabel.Text = fixtures.RoundID;
cell.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator;
return cell;
// This class receives notifications that happen on the UITableView
class TableDelegate : UITableViewDelegate
MyTableViewController tvc;
public TableDelegate (MyTableViewController tableViewController)
this.tvc = tableViewController;
DetailFixturesViewer detailsViewController;
//SelectedRound round = new SelectedRound();
public override void RowSelected (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
if (detailsViewController == null)
detailsViewController = new DetailFixturesViewer();
Fixtures fixtures = tvc.Fixtures.ElementAt(indexPath.Row);
detailsViewController.CurrentFixtures = fixtures;
IntPtr vd;
MyTableViewController2 mtv = new MyTableViewController2(vd);
mtv.round = fixtures.RoundID;
// round.RoundID = tvc.Fixtures.ElementAt(indexPath.Row).RoundID;
// Console.WriteLine("Set Selected round on row selected: " + round.RoundID);
//SelectedRound selround = new SelectedRound();
//selround.RoundID = fixtures.RoundID;
SelectedRound.RoundID = fixtures.RoundID;
tvc.NavigationController.PushViewController(detailsViewController, true);
detailsViewController.CurrentFixtures.RoundID = fixtures.RoundID;
detailsViewController.CurrentFixtures.Date = fixtures.Date;
detailsViewController.Title = fixtures.RoundID;
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
XDocument rss =
var query = from item in rss.Descendants("Round")
select new Fixtures
RoundID = "Round " + (string) item.Element("roundid"),
Date = (string) item.Element("date")
/*GameID = (string) item.Element("gameid"),
Team1 = (string) item.Element("team1"),
Team2 = (string) item.Element("team2"),
Team1Image = (string) item.Element("team1image"),
Team2Image = (string) item.Element("team2image"),
Date = (string) item.Element("date"),
Location = (string) item.Element("location")*/
Fixtures = query.Distinct().ToList();
TableView.Delegate = new TableDelegate (this);
TableView.DataSource = new DataSource (this);
Title = "Rounds";
根据从数据源 1 中选择的轮次 (ID) 加载详细数据的数据源:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
namespace CurrieCup2012
public partial class MyTableViewController2 : UITableViewController
static NSString CellID2 = new NSString ("MyIdentifier2");
List<DetailFixtures> DetailFixtures;
public string round{ get; set; }
// Constructor invoked from the NIB loader
public MyTableViewController2 (IntPtr p) : base (p)
// The data source for our TableView
class DataSource : UITableViewDataSource
MyTableViewController2 tvc;
public DataSource (MyTableViewController2 tableViewController)
this.tvc = tableViewController;
public override int RowsInSection (UITableView tableView, int section)
return tvc.DetailFixtures.Count;
public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
Dictionary<int,FixturesCell> _cellControllers = new Dictionary<int, FixturesCell>();
var cell2 = tableView.DequeueReusableCell (CellID2);
FixturesCell fixtureCell = null;
DetailFixtures detailfixtures = tvc.DetailFixtures.ElementAt(indexPath.Row);
if (cell2 == null)
//cell2 = new UITableViewCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, CellID2);
fixtureCell = new FixturesCell();
cell2 = fixtureCell.Cell;
cell2.Tag = Environment.TickCount;
_cellControllers[cell2.Tag] = fixtureCell;
fixtureCell = _cellControllers[cell2.Tag];
// Customize the cell here...
fixtureCell.Team1 = detailfixtures.Team1;
fixtureCell.Team2 = detailfixtures.Team2;
fixtureCell.Location = detailfixtures.Location;
fixtureCell.Date = detailfixtures.Date;
fixtureCell.Team1Image = UIImage.FromFile("Images/"+detailfixtures.Team1Image);
fixtureCell.Team2Image = UIImage.FromFile("Images/"+detailfixtures.Team2Image);
/*DetailFixtures detailfixtures = tvc.DetailFixtures.ElementAt(indexPath.Row);
cell2.TextLabel.Text = detailfixtures.Team1;
//cell.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DetailDisclosureButton;*/
return cell2;
// This class receives notifications that happen on the UITableView
class TableDelegate : UITableViewDelegate
MyTableViewController2 tvc;
public TableDelegate (MyTableViewController2 tableViewController)
this.tvc = tableViewController;
public override void RowSelected (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
/*if (detailsViewController == null)
detailsViewController = new DetailFixturesViewer();
DetailFixtures detailFoxtures = tvc.DetailFixtures.ElementAt(indexPath.Row);
detailsViewController.CurrentFixtures = fixtures;
tvc.NavigationController.PushViewController(detailsViewController, true);
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
//SelectedRound selround = new SelectedRound();
string selectedRound = SelectedRound.RoundID.Replace("Round ", "");
Console.WriteLine("read selected Round viewdidload table class: " + selectedRound);
base.ViewDidLoad ();
XDocument rss =
var query = from item in rss.Descendants("Game") where (string) item.Element("roundid") == selectedRound
select new DetailFixtures
//RoundID = "Round " + (string) item.Element("roundid")
GameID = (string) item.Element("gameid"),
Team1 = (string) item.Element("team1"),
Team2 = (string) item.Element("team2"),
Team1Image = (string) item.Element("team1image"),
Team2Image = (string) item.Element("team2image"),
Date = (string) item.Element("date"),
Location = (string) item.Element("location")
DetailFixtures = query.Distinct().ToList();
TableView.Delegate = new TableDelegate (this);
TableView.DataSource = new DataSource (this);
//Title = "Fixtures";
我曾尝试在表上调用 ReloadData() 方法,但无济于事。我是单声道触摸的新手。