我为子视图数组中的每个视图迭代了一个 for 循环。每个子视图高度为 100 像素。当数组中有 1 项时,视图的 y 值需要设置为 0。当数组中有 2 项时,索引 0 处的视图需要 y 值为 100,索引处的项1 的值必须为 0。依此类推:
1 item: 0 = 0
2 items: 0 = 100, 1 = 0
3 items: 0 = 200, 1 = 100, 2 = 0
4 items: 0 = 300, 1 = 200, 2 = 100, 3 = 0
for (int i = 0; i < [subViews count]; i++) {
NSView *v = (NSView *)[subViews objectAtIndex:i];
[v setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(copy.view.frame.origin.x, i * 100)];//This gives me the opposite of what I want...